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[模拟相关] 有人有宇宙骑警pc98么

posted by wap, platform: Samsung
是不是pce cd也有这游戏


posted by wap, platform: Samsung
原帖由 @聋则嗅明XP  于 2021-10-16 08:28 发表
多谢,维基查了下,只有pc98、3do、ps和ss版,3do和ss版保留了24fps的movie,ps版是15fps,pc98版是pixel art,主机板是cell art,原版都只有日版日文,ps和ss版后来有粉丝做了英文补丁——看来如果只玩英语版的话我可以选择更好一些的ss玩,附一个英文ss版下载:

本帖最后由 ryuryo82 于 2021-10-17 08:03 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: Samsung
原帖由 @聋则嗅明XP  于 2021-11-14 18:01 发表
The game was ported a second time to the PlayStation, released on January 19, 1996.[4][16] A bonus disc called Policenauts Private Collection was released concurrently which has most of the same content as the 3DO's Pilot Disk bonuses plus storyboards and the game script, as well as select shooting segments from the main game.[4][15] The full motion videos in this version run slower at 15 frames per second (FPS) compared to 24 on the 3DO.[5] Some story details that suggested subplots were also removed.[5] The PlayStation launched while Konami was still developing Policenauts for the PC-9821.[17] Seeing the system's potential, Kojima promised himself he would make a Metal Gear game for the system, though first he ported Policenauts.[17] In contrast to computer games, Sony and other console manufacturers ran quality testing on games for their consoles to check for bugs and rate game content. When Policenauts was being evaluated, Shuhei Yoshida of Sony Computer Entertainment told Kojima they were discussing the extent of breast jiggling in the game.[17] This version was re-issued on August 7, 2003 through Konami's online store,[18] and it was re-released digitally on PlayStation Store on May 14, 2008.[19]

The final port was for the Sega Saturn, released on September 13, 1996.[4][20] The version comes packaged in a slipcase containing the game case itself and a hardbound art book.[3][4] It also includes some additional scenes and some modified story details,[4] including the readdition of removed details in the PlayStation version.[5] Kojima insisted that the Saturn port have increased video fidelity, retaining the 3DO's original 24 FPS and not using Cinepak encoding.[5] The port also includes light gun support, a concept Kojima had since the inception of a Saturn port.[11] His hope was that players would feel more emotion using the gun in Policenauts than in games like Lethal Enforcers (1992) which he felt did not evoke empathy.[5] The Saturn version also has some of the content featured in the Pilot Disk and Private Collection bonus discs released on previous consoles, such as some of the making-of videos and an interview with voice actress Kikuko Inoue (unlocked after completing the game once), as well as the glossary, which is now accessible during play, allowing players to look up keywords whenever they are first used in the story.[21]


posted by wap, platform: Samsung
原帖由 @sig1b  于 2021-11-14 21:10 发表

本帖最后由 sig1b 于 20211114 21:16 通过手机版编辑

