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haha, this topic proves that System Wars is full of Xbox fans. This guy provided no real proof of this interview ever taking place and you all buy it like it's true.

The TC claimed he posted what Tretton said word for word...yet it seems Tretton never gets to finish what he was saying....he adds "...." in the end.....



I can't believe I am reading this. Everyone finds this interview to be legit when the TC provided no such proof? He claimed the interview is word for word....then what is this:

Tretton: We've shipped more than 1 million units to North America... (goes on to imply that retailers are probably lying on the phone about their inventory and backtracks and says that if only 9 out of 18 have PS3s then the glass is half full )

Goes on to imply? imply what? Why did the topic creator cut the rest of the statement off and added his own anti-ps3 bias?


