EMG: P3的首发是所有主机首发中最渣的,到底咋了?
EGM我们随机给18个地方(包括BB,EB GAMES)发现有一半左右都剩下了将近20台P3.......

(接着呢就暗示零售商撒谎了(OH MY GOD,全民反索)
All quotes are from this month's EGM that I just got today in an interwith with Jack Tretton, Sony CEA CEO and President.
Note: EGM questions are paraphrased, Tretton's responses word for word (except stuff in parenthesis)
Question 1
EGM: PS3's launch has had the most negativity of any launch surrounding it, what happened?
Tretton: The problem we have . . . it's society in general. (then talks about how everyone wants them to fail but the PS3 was the most successful launch Sony ever had )
Question 2
EGM: Say they've done checking around and PS3s are sitting on store shelves.
Tretton: Really? If you can find a PS3 anywhere in North America that's been on shelves for more than five minutes I'll give you $1,200. (Then talks about how he can call any retailer and confirm that there are no PS3s on shelves anywhere in NA).
EGM: We just called 18 random locations (Best Buy, EB Games) and half of them had PS3s in stock - some as many as 20 units.
Tretton: We've shipped more than 1 million units to North America... (goes on to imply that retailers are probably lying on the phone about their inventory and backtracks and says that if only 9 out of 18 have PS3s then the glass is half full )
Question 3
EGM: What went wrong with the UMD format on the PSP?
Tretton: The mistake we made with UMD as a movie format was assuming the movie studios understood our consumers and their tastes . . . that they knew what they were doing.
Ok, that's enough. Everyone should pick up a copy of this month's EGM - this Sony guy comes off as the typical Sony arrogant ass.
http://www.gamespot.com/pages/fo ... p?topic_id=25363298
本帖最后由 dogsoldier 于 2007-2-9 13:56 编辑 ]