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[电脑] 咨询:买个迷你工控机电脑做4K播放器

posted by wap, platform: Samsung
到203级别需要2080 Ti,Chroma算法下NGC抗锯齿开到中或高,其他什么抗拖影的选项也都拉满,我这两天就在折腾这个,Kodi配合Madvr完美了,NGC开到极高2080 Ti直接卡成幻灯片


本帖最后由 grammyliu 于 2019-11-30 21:01 通过手机版编辑

  • 无梦 激骚 +1 感谢分享 2019-11-30 23:58



HTPC using MadVR is far superior to what the Oppo is doing. The sharpening features of the Oppo are rubbish, they are way too heavy handed and coarse and would better suit a 1080p image, as with UHD images they just actually lessen the detail I can see, peoples faces become horrible and overcooked even on +1. MadVR's NGU is an incredible algorithm far better than anything else I have seen. Its true you need a lot of power to run the MadVR algorithms but if you set it up right it will work very well, the problem is you have SO many options that you can easily do too much.
MadVR's tone mapping is also now finally good. Its also actually properly outputting BT2020 which the Oppo tone mapping is not doing due to bugs which have still not been fixed a month later. You can actually highly customise the way it does its tone mapping too, you can use many different algorithms and even make your own curves, its also dynamic, which means it can measure each frame on a rolling average and will be able to dynamically adapt its curve to the content, this is pretty much what Dolby Vision does. There are new builds and support is far more readily available than the Oppo, even on this forum at times. HTPC and MadVR requires rips of your discs to work properly, but paired with Kodi, once you go that route, you will never turn back. I have the Panasonic UB900 as my personal unit, I have tested the Oppo 203 in my room for a week, I haven't even turned on my Panasonic in weeks, MadVR all the way. I could go on, but I have better things to do



1080 running MadVR on Win10, on 4K HDR content the Oppo is my preferred platform, the specular hightlights and shadow detail is superior, the overall dynamic range of the HTPC is lower.
DVD and BluRay is about equal to the Oppo. Basically I can see more stuff in each 4K HDR scene with the Oppo, did not notice it until I switched back to the HTPC. MadVR is running the NGU Standard Medium Quality Chroma + SuperRes upsampling with RGB 0-255 output. GTX1080 is the bottleneck, GPU load >50%, the PQ on MadVR improves and gets closer to the Oppo if I increase the processing, by the time the PQ is identical I am burning close to 90% GPU on 23.9 Hz, 59.9Hz processing is beyond the capabilities of the GTX 1080 if it is to match the Oppo. This is just with MadVR doing colorspace expansion, no luma upscaling on 4K material. Perhaps the next gen GTX1180 will do better. TV is a LG OLED 65C7, CPU is a Core i3-530, it never gets above 50% CPU as nearly all of the work is done by the GPU. Dolby Vision on UltraHD BD streams cannot be decoded by the PC, however it adds an incremental quality improvement to 4K Ultra HD blurays, I consider it a nice to have. Its main impact is on lower bitrate streams like Netflix, there the difference is almost night and day but this is outside the scope of the original question.

[ 本帖最后由 grammyliu 于 2019-11-30 21:52 编辑 ]


posted by wap, platform: Samsung


posted by wap, platform: Samsung
要是看普通1080p资源的话,remux或者高码率的rip的话,madvr upscale选项都打开upscale上去的效果肯定是秒杀203的,看av都炸裂……


posted by wap, platform: Samsung
原帖由 @Lucifer6E  于 2019-12-3 10:53 AM 发表


原帖由 camille 于 2019-12-2 10:52 PM 发表
posted by edfc, platform: iPhone X

https://bbs.tgfcer.com/viewthrea ... ;extra=#pid31757768


原帖由 amm 于 2019-12-3 01:44 PM 发表
posted by wap, platform: iPhone
单论画质的话先锋LX500吧 干掉203没问题


posted by wap, platform: Samsung
原帖由 @lvcha  于 2019-12-3 01:04 PM 发表
那噪音也跟电脑这么大就真不值了,不过作为AV High-End器材的话对于那个圈子的人来说也不算贵

