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[新闻] 'Healthy' man, 25, collapses and dies playing Wii Fit 'game'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... g-Wii-Fit-game.html

A 'fit and healthy' 25-year-old man suddenly collapsed and died in front of his horrified girlfriend and best friend as he played a computer game.

Tim Eves was 'jogging' on a Wii Fit games console as Emma Tuck and Lewis Hickin looked on, when he slumped to the floor.

The tragedy happened just hours after Tim had flown home from celebrating his mother’s 50th birthday in Portugal.

Devastated Emma, 26, said last night: ‘Tim was the best boyfriend anyone could have and the best friend a girl could have.

‘I love him loads and will miss him so much.’

Paramedics dashed to the house and rushed Tim, who had been fit and well, to hospital but it was too late.

The family were told he could have been killed by Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

Also known as Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome, it is a disorder of the electrical system of the heart.

Those with the condition are vulnerable to an abnormal heart rhythm. During exercise the heart may stop pumping out blood, causing the brain to become deprived of blood and sudden death.

The condition is estimated to kill 500 people a year.

Tim's father, Alan, said: ‘He was just such a helpful, considerate and caring person.

‘He really threw himself into things and lived life to the absolute full.'  

He added: 'Tim packed so much into the 25 years that even if he had lived another 25 years he couldn’t possibly have made any more friends.

'We all loved him so much.’

The tragedy occurred on March 4 at the home Tim shared with Lewis, 25, in Hopton-on-Sea, near Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.

He had just returned to England after visiting his parents at their Portuguese home and had spoken to them on the phone just minutes before he collapsed.

His mother June said: 'We spoke to him on the phone when he was playing on the Wii machine.

‘But a little while after he had put the phone down, he collapsed for no reason. It was completely out of the blue.'

She added: ‘They still can’t come up with an answer why it happened, which is one of the reasons it is so hard to come to terms with - there was no reason for it.

‘It is just unbelievable. We keep waiting for him to walk round the corner, it’s awful. It’s still very raw.’

Tim was a labourer for Steel Services in Yarmouth with Mr Hickin and his father.

He helped to lead the First Belton Scout Group, played in a band called Distant Sun and loved cycling and fishing.

A post-mortem has been held but the cause of death is yet to be determined.

Tim’s brother, Michael, 28, of Hickling, said: ‘If he did something he was 100 per cent into it.

'He wanted to take my little boy fishing so I got a little rod and a little box for him, bearing in mind he is only seven and it was the first time he’d been.

'But Tim wanted to take a whole car full of fishing gear - I have never seen so much stuff for a couple of hours fishing.   

‘He would give you his last pound, even if it was a borrowed pound, which in his case it probably was. But no-one could say no to him, he was very endearing.’

Best friend Lewis said: ‘I was privileged to have been Tim’s best mate for over 20 years, from pre-school through to adult life.

'He was the most enthusiastic, positive person you’ll ever meet, and I hope some of that has rubbed off on me over the years.’

Tim was buried with his favourite fishing rods and drumsticks at St Margaret’s Church in Hopton-on-Sea on March 20.

其实就是这哥们心脏本身就有问题……玩wii fit的时候突然发作了……








原帖由 barbruce 于 2009-4-2 08:43 发表

