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[其他] 轉一下GAF 上網友的cod 4兩版本心得

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/show ... &postcount=1881

ok.. i know this is going to make some people here sad. but i have to say. i have played the ps3 version for like hours. and played the xbox 360 beta version

honestly if you are multi console owner. then get the 360 version

- the 360 version "feel" like it has more colors in it
- the ps3 version has weird pop up in single player, like for example, you see a trea from far, you see it has very few leafs on it. once you get close, a sudden leafs pop us. take one step back, and they goes off again.
- the most important thing, its smoother. yes both are 60fps. but somehow the 360 version is still smoother than the PS3 version.

