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马斯切拉诺神秘失踪为哪般 曼联引诱才是导火索

科林蒂安双星Javier Mascherano和Calos Tevez在周四转会窗关闭之前双双登陆英超的可能性正在不断增大。


不过现在看来,在周二错过了训练以后 ,是否出售阿根廷世界杯球星MASCHERANO以换取现金同样摆上了科林蒂安的议事日程。

俱乐部主席Alberto Dualib承认与MSI的会谈可能会在周三决定阿根廷双星的转会,而阿根廷国内媒体则报道Mascherano和Tevez希望加盟英超。

Alberto Dualib说:"星期三将会是关键的一天,谈判已经进入到了最后阶段。
在明确的表示了希望离开巴西的愿望后,前博卡青年队的焦点球员TEVEZ已经与欧洲的一些俱乐部联系在了一起。包括皇家马德里,曼联,罗马,切尔西,AC米兰和拜仁慕尼黑在内的一些球队都表示了对他的兴趣。 不过来自TEVEZ祖国的消息显示,ARSENAL的主教练Arsene Wenger显然在对这名强力射手的争夺中占据了领先的位置。
与此同时,曼联与切尔西在进行一场对防守型中场Javier Mascherano的争夺。由于无法引入Owen Hargreaves,弗格森把他的注意力转向了新的目标。

Tevez与Mascherano的经济人Adrian Ruocco也出席了在伦敦举行的紧急会议,相信在48小时之内,这两名阿根廷球员的转会情况会比较清楚 虽然已经预料到了TEVEZ的离开,但是Mascherano在人们还在争论他能否参加9月3号在埃米尔球场举行的与巴西国家队的友谊赛的时候也出现了擅自离开球队的情况。
在球队教练Emerson Leao 承认Mascherano缺席训练以后,球员和俱乐部的关系降到了最低点。"我在早上八点半开始了训练但是Mascherano并没有出现在训练场上"Leao告诉媒体,"我没有从他那得到任何消息,这件事现在已经交由董事会处理。




When Carlos Tevez and Javier Mascherano got up themselves to Corinthians - the ex- River did it in the middle of 2005, six months after the front one was logical to suppose that the Brazilian stage would be for a both scale towards a later incorporation to European soccer. That step is on the verge of taking shape of chaotic, conflicting way, with both players faced the paulista club and without taking leave of the fans who as much appreciated them after the obtaining of Brasileirao 2005.     Mascherano used the same strategy that had applied to Tevez the previous week: the day before yesterday it arrived at Buenos Aires without warning anybody of Corinthians, that only knew of its absence when it did not attend the practice of yesterday. Mascherano traveled last night to England, where it will try to decide his transference to Arsenal; with equal objective Tevez in he himself flight would have embarked. Their trips agree with the later incorporation to the Argentine selected one, that Sunday will face Brazil in London.     According to the daily English sensationalist The Sun informed, Arsenal would be arranged to pay around 32.000.000 of dollars by Tevez. Although they have contracts in vigor, both Argentine soccer players took advantage of to go away the anarchy one whom in Corinthians the bicephalous conduction between Kia Joorabchian causes, the investor that contributed bottoms to contract reinforcements, and the institutional president, Alberto Dualib.     Tevez and Mascherano respond to Joorabchian, that disbursed 45.000.000 of dollars by both to take them to Corinthians, and do not know to the authorities of the club, that have the sport right on his you happen. This means that without the approval and the company/signature of the leaders of Corinthians, any transference cannot be made specific. Tevez and Mascherano said that they had authorization of Joorabchian to leave Corinthians. At first, Dualib was against the goings of Tevez and Mascherano because Corinthians is in positions of reduction in the Brasileirao. As the will to emigrate of the soccer players is irreversible, Corinthians is arranged to negotiate them in exchange for that three reinforcements arrive. One of them would be Luis Fabiano, attacker of Seville.     In the next hours there would be new features because in England will be all the protagonists of the novel: Adrián Ruocco, representative of Tevez; Walter Támer, empowered of Mascherano, Joorabchian and Dualib. The term to register players in the Premier League will win tomorrow to the night. By Tevez also there would be an interest of Manchester United, that it transferred to Van Nistelrooy to Real Madrid. In Arsenal it would be frees a seat in the attack because the Spanish Jose Antonio Reyes wants to go away. Less concrete they would be some supplies from Italy.     Besides to be against to technical director Leao, Tevez and Mascherano they pronounced annoying because Corinthians tried not to give permission them so that they are gotten up to the selected one. Both forced a steep exit, without nothing of them was known when they were hoped in the training



        在伦敦守候二人的是克林蒂安俱乐部的主席Alberto Dualib以及老板MSI总裁Kia,为何如此匆忙?只因欧洲转会窗即将关闭,此时此刻阿根廷双雄的名字都与英超巨人阿森纳队联系在了一起,枪手先后为二人报出1700欧元以及3200万欧元(特维斯)的收购价格,倒数48小时,《胜利大逃亡》正在上演,期待结局将是---玩得就是心跳!


