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[新闻] 《极限竞速7》德国科隆Gamescom 2017最新13分钟Xbox One X平台实际画面试玩视频

原帖由 snakegtr 于 2017-8-26 13:17 发表
posted by wap, platform: 小米
700辆车,真4k,几条经典赛道回归,动态天 气,这可比gt6比gt5进步大多了吧。gts少了一半的车和赛道,音效几乎没改进算啥,次时代简配版?


posted by wap, platform: 小米
原帖由 @northcong  于 2017-8-26 23:23 发表


FM7的HDR 4K视频,有条件的可以下来看看

http://www.gamersyde.com/news_fo ... syde_-19287_en.html

You might remember that a few days ago we told you guys that Microsoft had let us capture direct feed videos of Forza Motorsport 7 at E3, but that they had made a mistake by leaving the consoles in HDR mode, leading to almost unusable captures. Now that Miguel is back we finally got the original video captures and spend a lot of hours experimenting, and then even more hours encoding some pretty bad ass HDR videos for you guys. So if you have a 4K HDR TV, this will be a feast for your eyes for sure! For the others though, I'm sorry to say that these videos are simply not going to work as they should on any hardware. So if you have the right screen, you'll find more infos inside!

These videos should be considered highly experimental, and should not be considered like an exact representation of the colors and lighting of the final game. The first video (Dubai) especially might have some white levels quite a bit too bright, but it's difficult to say without having the game to compare with the videos. The second (rain) video is (from our opinion at least) quite an amazing sight to see though

These videos were tested with success on these devices:
- Xbox One S
- LG 2016 Oled TV
- LG 2015 Oled TV
- Samsung 2016 Led TV
- Nvidia Shield TV
The video was not recognized on our PS4 Pro, unless we missed something somewhere.

The easiest way to play these videos is to simply copy them to a USB thumbdrive, and play them using the media player of your TV/device.

If you have a 4K HDR TV (and only in that case!), please let us know if these videos worked, on an which devices.

Considering the time it takes to encode such videos (6 hours for 5 minutes of footage on our 12 cores encoding PC), we really need to get your feedback on this experiment so we can decide whether we keep doing more HDR videos in the future or not.


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