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无线震动手柄的感觉好 R2有很似扳机

想想电脑上玩游戏那N久的安装 每次游戏前的WINDOWS启动

而且MS LIVE的建立,使得如COD4 HALO3的耐玩性 对抗性大大增加
而这一切 都建立在不需要你投入大把银子 4,5年内不需要你升级的前提下

另外, 手柄操作好的话 还是可以接近使用鼠标效果的
恐龙可以看看 HALO3高手爆头视频 太牛!


原帖由 csish 于 2008-5-5 13:24 发表

http://www.google.com/search?hl= ... 9C%E7%B4%A2&lr=
你搜索COD4 30FPS,也一样有6万多结果的……



原帖由 Virtue 于 2008-5-5 13:39 发表
无线震动手柄的感觉好 R2有很似扳机

想想电脑上玩游戏那N久的安装 每次游戏前的WINDOWS启动

相反在360上把光盘放进去 ...


原帖由 江西恐龙 于 2008-5-5 13:43 发表

你搜索COD4 30FPS,也一样有6万多结果的……



实际玩通cod4 ps3、360版的基本都觉得是60fps,你可以随便看看


原帖由 江西恐龙 于 2008-5-5 13:43 发表

你搜索COD4 30FPS,也一样有6万多结果的……







CoD4 Reviews

A review by Cybersk8er5000

MODERN WARFARE has always intrigued me. The technology that people develop specifically to kill the enemy better is insane, and almost a little sad, because so much money and time is put into finding out how to make someone die that much easier.

But this is a videogame. I don't care as much about the characters in a videogame, because they don't really exist (granted, this game did tap into my emotions a bit, but I'll cover that later), so in a videogame, modern weaponry and warfare fascinates me. And when my boss came back from a gaming convention in Vegas telling me that CoD4 was going to be a definite Game Of The Year contender, and would beat Halo in anything, I got excited.

4 months later, CoD4 hits store shelves, and I nab myself a copy. To anyone that has complained about the ridiculous pricing of video games these days (trust me, I agree with you), this is by far the best $60 you'll spend this year. Forget Halo (I can't stand it, to be honest). Forget Bioshock, which was epic on so many levels. Forget all the other FPS games that've come out in 2007, because Call Of Duty 4 has redefined the genre.

The minute you turn this game on, you'll be going "Wow.", or something similar. The game is GORGEOUS. And Infinity Ward promised us nothing below 60 frames per second. They delivered. Even in the most frantic parts of the game, with bullets and shrapnel and dust and bits and pieces of everything flying everywhere, with half a dozen enemies attacking you from the front, and another dozen on the left and right, this game holds up at a steady 60 FPS, and looks amazing while it's at it. I couldn't find a single graphical hitch to complain about all the way through the campaign, and the online levels deliver just as well. The lighting is superb, and there'll be moments when you'll see a teammate pass by a light source, and you'll see how much work was put into the self-shadowing bit, and you'll just sit there and be amazed. Outdoor levels are a thing to behold in themselves, with so much grass and so many trees, or in the urban area, so many broken down buildings and car skeletons.

And to think, all of this is based off of what I see on my craptastic 13" TV from the mid-80s. I can't even begin to imagine how much more beautiful it is on any HDTV. Certain moments will have your jaw through the floor (in particular, the end of the second to last mission in Act I comes to mind.....). I replayed one of the most annoying missions 6 times just to see the end (which is in real-time graphics, mind you). Bravo, Infinity Ward. You did a marvelous job.

In terms of sound, well, what do you expect from a war game? The voice acting is superb (and I have a thing for the S.A.S. They rock hardcore.), and guns sound like guns, and explosions sound like explosions ought to sound. The bits and pieces of random sounds they threw in for the hell of it really pull the game together in the end, though. The random things your teammates will shout out in the battlefield that never get old, because there's just too many varieties to what they're telling you for you to feel like you've heard them say it a million times before. And of course, nothing is quite as satisfying as hearing the echoing crack of a .50 cal sniper rifle.

And whoever was put in charge of the soundtrack deserves some kind of Emmy or something. The soundtrack is fabulous, keeping you on the edge no matter what situation you're in.

And various other parts of the audio design really make this game what it is. The echoes of childrens' laughter at the most depressing of moments sends a chill up your spine (unless you're absolutely heartless) each time it happens. Again, excellent job, IW.

Gameplay-wise, the game plays just like any other FPS. In fact, I'm surprised I'm not sick of it. Move into one area, kill everything, try not to die in the process. At times, the game can get frustrating (especially if you're going for those Veteran achievements...), but it rewards you with enough checkpoints to keep you from getting too discouraged. Most of it, FPS fans are used to, and can jump right into, but then there are some parts that are a bit outside of the box for an FPS. Mowing down tiny ant-like people from an AC-130U gunship is pretty amusing, and they went as far as to make the HUD look something like the real thing. What all those numbers mean, I don't know. But it makes it that much more authentic. On another mission, you and your commander are sent in on what may as well be considered a suicide mission to take out a target in the middle of an enemy infested town. But it gives you an amazing sense of satisfaction when you take out one enemy, only to hear your commander go "Tango down. Lets move!", and no one knew you were there. The intensity rockets sky-high in situations that have you laying in the middle of a field while troops and tanks pass by mere feet away (thank god for ghillie suits), and helicopters come crashing down close enough to choke you with the debris clouds. Looking back through the missions list, I don't think there was a single mission where I got tired of what was going on, which is impressive. It takes a lot for an FPS to tie me down this well, and CoD 4 nails it.

There isn't much I can say about the controls... If you've played one FPS, you've played them all, in terms of how the controls are generally laid out. But hey, if it isn't broken, don't fix it, right? The only quirk I can think of is using L3 as your sprint. It seems odd to have that as sprint as opposed to... Say... Calling an airstrike or something (but then right on the D-pad for sprint would be even weirder... I dunno). That isn't to say it doesn't work, as you most certainly get used to it, I just found it to be a bit odd.

Storywise, CoD4 is pretty straightforward. Bad guy has nuke, so we wanna go get him. He's a friggin' ninja, and is nowhere to be found, so we go after the people closest to him to try to find the big bad guy through them. One thing I have to point out about this story is that it plays out much like a movie, and by the end, I had gone through an emotional rollercoaster during the course of the game as the events of the game play out on you and your AI companions. Very few games are able to maintain such a cinematic story, but CoD4 does it remarkably well, even if it is just another rehash of a story we've all heard a million times.

Online play is another place where this game truly shines. You play online, and anything that benefits you or the team, be it kills, bomb plants, kill assists, or whatever else, nets you points that lead towards higher ranks. Everytime you go up a rank, you unlock something, be it challenges that give you ways to get more points, or new weapons/perks/attachments for your weapons.

Speaking of perks, I was worried about this feature, and I know a few other people were as well. The general concept is that you have 3 special abilities that give you an advantage of some sort, be it more health, better stopping power from your weapons, the ability to not appear on your enemies radar, dropping a live grenade when you die, or one of plenty of other things. My initial thoughts would be that it would throw off the balance of the game, but it really doesn't. Yeah, it's annoying when a guy you shot drops a grenade, and it somehow manages to kill you from 20 feet away, but hell, you may have killed him by shooting the crap out of the wall he was hiding behind. It all evens itself out fairly well, and you'll find yourself looking forward to unlocking certain perks just to see how well they suit you.

Not only will perks be something to look forward to, but new weapons and challenges, as well. Challenges are kind of the same as achievements, just not. IW left all the achievements for offline missions, which I think is great. Instead of people playing simply to improve their gamerscore, they'll be playing to move through the ranks. Everything from getting a set amount of headshots with each weapon, to throwing yourself off a 30 foot ledge make the list for challenges, and everyone is worth a set amount of points towards your next rank. You'll find yourself going to the barracks between matches to find out which challenges you're closest to accomplishing, and just about all of them (save for the 30 foot jump) can be earned in a way that not only helps you progress, but helps your team win at the same time.

All 16 maps are AMAZINGLY balanced, and IW found a way to make them all work for the 13 different game modes. Yes, 13. Granted, like most everything else (even the option to have a clan tag), most of the modes have to be unlocked, but it works, because the last thing you want is someone to just hop on that's never played before and go into a match with friendly fire and just TK the crap out of everyone. IW found ways to make online fair for everyone, and motivational enough (in terms of ranking up and the like) to keep you hooked until you reach that coveted rank at level 55.

Overall, I can only think of one thing that's off with CoD4, and that's simply the lack of a night time map online (you have nightvision, what for?). Otherwise, it's practically perfect. Graphically, it rivals Bioshock, and gameplay-wise, I think it's something that I'll be stuck to for a LONG time. If you happen to have the money, I suggest buying it. It's most certainly worth all $60. Can't afford it? You don't know what you're missing out on.

Score: 10/10

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另一个,我都是用google快照的,原始网站自己一看就清楚,你用review cod4 60fps做关键字就可以









从投入上来说,XO或 PS3  3K不到的价格,至少可以爽3-5年的游戏。而且质量始终如一,当然了,三红,锁光头这也算是投资失败的例子。 不过PC坏点部件也是很常见的,所以对抵。

PC则要在第一年就要花XO或PS3 2至3倍的投资,才能实现当年度比 console稍好的画面质量(要达到console的帧速,投资还要增加),在不更换硬件的前提下,只能爽大概2年左右的主流游戏,在此期间游戏体验(画面质量,帧数)逐渐下降,除非再有新的投资。

[ 本帖最后由 eva3d 于 2008-5-5 14:38 编辑 ]


原帖由 江西恐龙 于 2008-5-5 14:33 发表


如果你只是搜索出的结果,我建议还是实际操作一下比较好。如下图 ...

