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[新闻] Game Daily消息:Apple有可能收购SONY或者EA

苹果市值超过中石油 成全球第二大公司
苹果市值在纽约时间上周四 (9月23日)下午14时53分上升至2658亿美元,超过中石油,成为仅次于埃克森美孚的全球市值第二大公司。



原帖由 战神 于 2010-10-26 18:22 发表




原帖由 沉默狙击手 于 2010-10-26 18:26 发表





原帖由 战神 于 2010-10-26 18:35 发表


链接是让你打开自己看的,上面的内容就是出处,这点东西你也跟我玩咬文 ...











原帖由 FIFA09 于 2010-10-26 18:22 发表
苹果市值超过中石油 成全球第二大公司
苹果市值在纽约时间上周四 (9月23日)下午14时53分上升至2658亿美元,超过中石油,成为仅次于埃克森美孚的全球市值第二大公司。
国知名科技博客网站Businessins ...


原帖由 mikebird 于 2010-10-26 17:58 发表


原帖由 沉默狙击手 于 2010-10-26 18:39 发表


不懂就卖弄,只能说可悲 ...



涉及——销售额 利润 总资产 和 市值的综合排名。
来源——MBA智库 OR 维基百科
地址——http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/201 ... 5%BC%BA_%281-100%29

2010年《福布斯》全球上市公司2000強 (1-100)
出自 MBA智库百科(http://wiki.mbalib.com/)

>>>返回索引首頁 1-100|100-200|201-298|301-399|399-500|501-600|601-700|701-800|800-900|901-1000|

排名(Rank) 中文名稱(Chinese Name) 公司名稱(Company) 所屬國家(Country) 所屬行業(Industry) 銷售收入(Sales) ($bil)  利潤(Profits) ($bil) 總資產(Assets) ($bil) 市值(Market Value)($bil)  
1  摩根大通公司 JPMorgan Chase United States  Banking  115.63  11.65  2,031.99  166.19  
2  通用電氣公司 General Electric United States  Conglomerates  156.78  11.03  781.82  169.65  
3  美國銀行 Bank of America United States  Banking  150.45  6.28  2,223.30  167.63  
4  埃克森美孚公司 ExxonMobil United States  Oil & Gas Operations  275.56  19.28  233.32  308.77  
5  中國工商銀行 ICBC China  Banking  71.86  16.27  1,428.46  242.23  
6  西班牙國際銀行 Banco Santander Spain  Banking  109.57  12.34  1,438.68  107.12  
7  美國富國銀行 Wells Fargo United States  Banking  98.64  12.28  1,243.65  141.69  
8  匯豐集團 HSBC Holdings United Kingdom  Banking  103.74  5.83  2,355.83  178.27  
8  英荷殼牌集團 Royal Dutch Shell Netherlands  Oil & Gas Operations  278.19  12.52  287.64  168.63  
10  英國石油公司 BP United Kingdom  Oil & Gas Operations  239.27  16.58  235.45  167.13  
11  法國巴黎銀行 BNP Paribas France  Banking  101.06  8.37  2,952.22  86.67  
12  中國石油集團 PetroChina China  Oil & Gas Operations  157.22  16.80  174.95  333.84  
13  美國電話電報公司 AT&T United States  Telecommunications Services  123.02  12.54  268.75  147.55  
14  沃爾瑪公司 Wal-Mart Stores United States  Retailing  408.21  14.34  170.71  205.37  
15  美國伯克希爾哈撒韋公司 Berkshire Hathaway United States  Diversified Financials  112.49  8.06  297.12  190.86  
16  俄羅斯天然氣公司 Gazprom Russia  Oil & Gas Operations  115.25  24.33  234.77  132.58  
17  中國建設銀行 China Construction Bank China  Banking  59.16  13.59  1,106.20  184.32  
18  巴西石油公司 Petrobras-Petróleo Brasil Brazil  Oil & Gas Operations  104.81  16.63  198.26  190.34  
19  道達爾公司 Total France  Oil & Gas Operations  160.68  12.10  183.29  131.80  
20  雪佛龍公司 Chevron United States  Oil & Gas Operations  159.29  10.48  164.62  146.23  
21  英國巴克萊銀行 Barclays United Kingdom  Banking  65.91  15.17  2,223.04  56.15  
22  中國銀行 Bank of China China  Banking  52.20  9.45  1,016.31  147.00  
23  德國安聯集團 Allianz Germany  Insurance  130.06  6.16  834.04  52.74  
24  法國燃氣蘇伊士集團 GDF Suez France  Utilities  114.65  6.42  245.95  83.36  
25  德國意昂集團 E.ON Germany  Utilities  117.38  12.05  214.58  68.26  
25  高盛集團 Goldman Sachs Group United States  Diversified Financials  51.67  13.39  849.00  84.95  
27  法國電力集團 EDF Group France Utilities  95.17  5.60  342.63  92.23  
28  法國安盛集團 AXA Group France  Insurance  145.86  5.17  1,016.70  46.02  
29  勞埃德TSB集團 Lloyds Banking Group United Kingdom  Banking  106.67  4.57  1,650.78  50.25  
29  寶潔公司 Procter & Gamble United States  Household & Personal Products  76.78  13.05  135.29  184.47  
31  義大利埃尼集團 ENI Italy  Oil & Gas Operations  121.01  6.27  163.52  82.22  
32  西班牙電話公司 Telefónica Spain  Telecommunications Services  79.11  10.84  154.98  108.19  
33  IBM公司 IBM United States  Software & Services  95.76  13.43  109.02  167.01  
34  義大利聯合信貸銀行 UniCredit Group Italy  Banking  92.17  5.59  1,438.91  43.95  
35  惠普 Hewlett-Packard United States  Technology Hardware & Equip  116.92  8.13  113.62  121.33  
36  雀巢集團 Nestlé Switzerland  Food, Drink & Tobacco  97.08  10.07  105.16  173.67  
37  Verizon通訊公司 Verizon Communications United States  Telecommunications Services  107.81  3.65  227.25  82.21  
38  中國移動通信集團公司 China Mobile Hong Kong/China  Telecommunications Services  66.22  16.87  104.46  199.73  
39  康菲石油公司 ConocoPhillips United States  Oil & Gas Operations  136.02  4.86  152.59  72.72  
40  美國輝瑞公司 Pfizer United States  Drugs & Biotechnology  50.01  8.64  212.95  143.23  
41  日本電報電話公司 Nippon Telegraph & Tel Japan  Telecommunications Services  106.98  5.53  181.48  68.68  
42  義大利國家電力公司 ENEL Italy  Utilities  91.87  7.74  221.26  50.92  
43  德意志銀行 Deutsche Bank Germany  Banking  62.98  6.93  2,150.60  39.75  
44  瑞士瑞信銀行 Credit Suisse Group Switzerland  Diversified Financials  50.26  6.11  988.91  53.93  
45  中國石油化工股份有限公司 Sinopec-China Petroleum China  Oil & Gas Operations  208.47  4.37  110.66  130.06  
46  英國沃達豐公司 Vodafone United Kingdom  Telecommunications Services  58.35  4.38  217.97  112.26  
47  強生公司 Johnson & Johnson United States  Drugs & Biotechnology  61.90  12.27  94.68  174.90  
48  西班牙畢爾巴鄂比斯開銀行 BBVA-Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Spain  Banking  49.27  6.03  760.39  48.20  
49  微軟公司 Microsoft United States  Software & Services  58.69  16.26  82.10  254.52  
50  西門子公司 Siemens Germany  Conglomerates  112.23  3.36  133.94  80.07  
51  巴西布拉德斯科銀行 Banco Bradesco Brazil  Banking  59.10  4.60  281.40  54.50  
52  巴西銀行 Banco do Brasil Brazil  Banking  56.10  5.82  406.46  42.78  
53  加拿大皇家銀行 Royal Bank of Canada Canada  Banking  35.41  3.58  608.05  78.17  
54  義大利聯合聖保羅銀行 Intesa Sanpaolo Italy  Banking  50.71  3.56  877.66  44.67  
55  三星集團 Samsung Electronics South Korea  Semiconductors  97.28  4.43  83.30  94.48  
56  法國電信集團 France Telecom France  Telecommunications Services  65.92  4.30  132.06  62.39  
57  法國賽諾菲-安萬特集團 Sanofi-aventis France  Drugs & Biotechnology  41.99  7.54  114.85  98.07  
58  福特汽車公司 Ford Motor United States  Consumer Durables  118.31  2.72  194.85  41.80  
59  澳大利亞聯邦銀行 Commonwealth Bank Australia  Banking  31.84  3.81  500.20  75.10  
60  德國萊茵集團 RWE Group Germany  Utilities  66.57  4.98  130.36  47.93  
61  諾華公司 Novartis Switzerland  Drugs & Biotechnology  44.27  8.40  90.89  126.22  
62  澳大利亞必和必拓集團 BHP Billiton Australia/United Kingdom  Materials  50.21  5.88  74.86  192.45  
63  蘇黎世金融服務集團 Zurich Financial Services Switzerland  Insurance  70.27  3.22  366.66  34.71  
64  挪威石油公司 Statoil Norway  Oil & Gas Operations  79.76  3.16  97.09  72.26  
65  義大利忠利集團 Generali Group Italy  Insurance  123.14  1.83  607.37  35.19  
66  瑞士羅氏公司 Roche Holding Switzerland  Drugs & Biotechnology  47.35  7.51  69.64  146.19  
67  澳大利亞西太平洋銀行 Westpac Banking Group Australia  Banking  31.19  3.04  519.03  70.99  
68  力拓集團 Rio Tinto United Kingdom/Australia  Materials  41.83  4.87  95.01  118.34  
69  俄羅斯盧克公司 Lukoil Russia  Oil & Gas Operations  86.34  9.14  70.94  45.18  
70  安海斯-布希英博 Anheuser-Busch InBev Belgium  Food, Drink & Tobacco  36.76  4.61  111.58  81.48  
71  英國葛蘭素史克公司 GlaxoSmithKline United Kingdom  Drugs & Biotechnology  45.83  8.94  65.38  95.36  
72  美國默克集團 Merck & Co United States  Drugs & Biotechnology  27.43  12.90  112.09  116.11  
73  法國農業信貸銀行 Crédit Agricole France  Banking  91.96  1.61  2,227.22  34.42  
74  慕尼黑再保險公司 Munich Re Germany  Insurance  59.31  3.67  284.21  30.12  
75  蘋果公司 Apple United States  Technology Hardware & Equip  46.71  9.36  53.93  189.51  
75  思科系統公司 Cisco Systems United States  Technology Hardware & Equip  35.53  6.07  76.40  140.85  
77  俄羅斯石油公司 Rosneft Russia  Oil & Gas Operations  34.70  6.51  83.11  83.19  
78  日本三菱商事股份有限公司 Mitsubishi Corp Japan  Trading Companies  63.12  3.80  109.74  42.64  
79  澳大利亞國家銀行 National Australia Bank Australia  Banking  32.50  2.29  574.41  48.80  
80  巴西淡水河谷公司 Vale Brazil  Materials  27.82  5.88  100.81  145.14  
81  CVS Caremark公司 CVS Caremark United States  Retailing  98.73  3.70  61.64  47.85  
82  巴西伊塔烏投資銀行 Itaúsa Brazil  Conglomerates  66.36  2.25  342.63  28.74  
83  澳新銀行 ANZ Banking Australia  Banking  26.91  2.60  420.52  53.72  
84  英國特易購公司 Tesco United Kingdom  Food Markets  77.94  3.10  65.61  51.43  
85  聯合利華公司 Unilever Netherlands/United Kingdom  Food, Drink & Tobacco  57.05  4.83  52.05  91.33  
86  本田汽車公司 Honda Motor Japan  Consumer Durables  102.82  1.41  117.24  63.22  
86  加拿大多倫多道明銀行 Toronto-Dominion Bank Canada  Banking  23.60  2.90  517.28  55.43  
88  西班牙伊維爾德羅拉公司 Iberdrola Spain  Utilities  35.15  3.94  125.21  42.16  
89  康卡斯特公司 Comcast United States  Media  35.76  3.64  112.73  47.76  
90  中國人壽保險股份有限公司 China Life Insurance China  Insurance  24.01  3.12  153.13  118.75  
91  加拿大豐業銀行 Bank of Nova Scotia Canada  Banking  23.27  3.29  460.93  47.26  
92  美國聯合健康集團 UnitedHealth Group United States  Health Care Equipment & Svcs  87.14  3.82  59.05  39.40  
93  俄羅斯聯邦儲蓄銀行 Sberbank Russia  Banking  23.27  3.20  220.62  57.70  
94  美國聯合技術公司 United Technologies United States  Conglomerates  52.92  3.83  55.76  65.28  
95  瑞典北歐聯合銀行 Nordea Bank Sweden  Banking  22.81  3.41  729.06  39.42  
96  中國交通銀行 Bank of Communications China  Banking  19.05  4.17  392.83  57.34  
97  德國巴斯夫集團 BASF Germany  Chemicals  72.63  2.02  72.06  52.12  
98  迪斯尼集團 Walt Disney United States  Media  36.29  3.31  69.31  61.17  
99  英國渣打銀行 Standard Chartered Group United Kingdom  Banking  20.94  3.38  435.56  46.16  
100  英國阿斯利康公司 AstraZeneca United Kingdom  Drugs & Biotechnology  32.80  7.52  53.63  63.56  
101 英特爾公司 Intel United States Semiconductors 35.13 4.37 53.10 115.29  
102 保德信金融 Prudential Financial United States Insurance 32.69 3.12 480.20 24.86  
103 法國興業銀行 Société Générale Group France Banking 62.08 0.97 1,468.72 41.43  
104 可口可樂公司 Coca-Cola United States Food, Drink & Tobacco 30.99 6.82 48.67 122.79  
105 雅培公司 Abbott Laboratories United States Drugs & Biotechnology 30.76 5.75 52.42 84.29  
106 百事公司 PepsiCo United States Food, Drink & Tobacco 43.23 5.95 39.85 99.58  
107 拜耳集團 Bayer Group Germany Chemicals 43.46 1.90 73.15 56.30  
108 義大利電信集團 Telecom Italia Italy Telecommunications Services 42.00 3.08 117.66 27.75  
109 卡夫食品 Kraft Foods United States Food, Drink & Tobacco 40.39 3.02 66.71 42.49  
110 沙特基礎工業公司 Saudi Basic Industries Saudi Arabia Chemicals 27.49 2.42 78.98 71.20  
111 摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley United States Diversified Financials 30.07 1.35 771.46 39.41  
112 巨集利金融 Manulife Financial Canada Insurance 38.26 1.35 379.50 32.54  
113 甲骨文 Oracle United States Software & Services 23.23 5.80 53.83 123.98  
114 美國運通 American Express United States Diversified Financials 26.73 2.13 124.09 45.63  
115 雷普索爾YPF公司 Repsol-YPF Spain Oil & Gas Operations 63.90 2.24 80.43 27.71  
116 Wellpoint公司 WellPoint United States Health Care Equipment & Svcs 65.03 4.75 52.13 27.55  
117 美國合眾銀行 US Bancorp United States Banking 19.49 2.21 281.18 46.89  
118 家得寶公司 Home Depot United States Retailing 66.18 2.66 40.88 53.44  
119 三井物產公司 Mitsui & Co Japan Trading Companies 56.85 1.82 84.47 28.81  
120 波音公司 Boeing United States Aerospace & Defense 68.28 1.31 62.05 48.45  
120 谷歌 Google United States Software & Services 23.65 6.52 40.50 169.38  
122 英傑華集團 Aviva United Kingdom Insurance 95.98 1.75 559.71 15.51  
123 塔吉特公司 Target United States Retailing 65.36 2.49 44.53 38.90  
124 萬喜集團 Vinci France Construction 44.52 2.23 75.23 28.11  
125 新聞集團 News Corp United States Media 30.93 3.35 56.13 37.93  
126 印度瑞斯實業 Reliance Industries India Oil & Gas Operations 29.40 2.91 48.50 69.36  
127 聖保羅旅行者保險公司 Travelers Cos United States Insurance 24.68 3.62 109.56 27.26  
128 香港和記黃埔 Hutchison Whampoa Hong Kong/China Conglomerates 30.38 2.28 86.04 30.97  
129 保誠集團 Prudential United Kingdom Insurance 77.67 1.11 361.50 20.05  
130 印度國家銀行集團 State Bank of India Group India Banking 22.14 2.13 256.79 27.21  
131 美洲電信 América Móvil Mexico Telecommunications Services 30.22 5.40 34.70 72.09  
132 菲利普莫裡斯 Philip Morris International United States Food, Drink & Tobacco 25.04 6.34 34.55 92.04  
133 英美煙草 British Amer Tobacco United Kingdom Food, Drink & Tobacco 22.95 4.38 42.41 68.27  
134 時代華納 Time Warner United States Media 25.79 2.44 65.73 34.05  
135 諾基亞 Nokia Finland Technology Hardware & Equip 58.72 1.28 49.11 49.18  
135 PNC金融服務集團 PNC Financial Services United States Banking 18.95 2.45 269.86 24.86  
137 南韓浦項制鐵集團 Posco South Korea Materials 33.48 3.51 37.03 39.84  
138 英美資源 Anglo American United Kingdom Materials 21.16 2.46 56.80 48.19  
139 UPS公司 United Parcel Service United States Transportation 45.30 2.15 31.88 58.43  
140 威望迪集團 Vivendi France Media 37.83 1.16 79.07 31.15  
141 招商銀行 China Merchants Bank China Banking 12.09 3.09 230.00 45.65  
142 東日本鐵路公司 East Japan Railway Japan Transportation 27.70 1.92 67.93 27.43  
143 ABB集團 ABB Switzerland Capital Goods 31.80 2.90 33.68 46.46  
144 德國電信 Deutsche Telekom Germany Telecommunications Services 90.08 0.49 183.11 56.25  
145 中國聯通 China Unicom (HK) Hong Kong/China Telecommunications Services 21.60 4.92 49.85 29.83  
146 洛克希德·馬丁 Lockheed Martin United States Aerospace & Defense 45.19 3.02 35.11 29.61  
147 日本佳能 Canon Japan Business Services & Supplies 34.53 1.46 41.33 55.80  
148 斯倫貝謝公司 Schlumberger Netherlands Oil & Gas Operations 22.98 3.13 33.47 73.49  
149 新日鐵 Nippon Steel Japan Materials 48.99 1.59 48.78 25.43  
150 蒙特利爾銀行 Bank of Montreal Canada Banking 14.92 1.66 360.62 29.86  
151 法國國家人壽 CNP Assurances France Insurance 58.14 1.40 376.12 12.99  
152 歐萊雅集團 L'Oréal Group France Household & Personal Products 24.36 2.50 33.38 63.05  
153 麥當勞 McDonald's United States Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure 22.74 4.55 30.07 69.05  
154 中國神華能源 China Shenhua Energy China Materials 15.72 3.91 40.29 85.42  
155 印度石油天然氣公司 Oil & Natural Gas India Oil & Gas Operations 20.21 3.86 35.66 51.82  
156 英國天然氣集團 BG Group United Kingdom Oil & Gas Operations 16.50 3.50 42.30 58.16  
157 [[]] TNK-BP Holding Russia Oil & Gas Operations 31.60 6.38 31.18 27.73  
158 美國勞氏 Lowe's Cos United States Retailing 47.22 1.78 33.01 34.99  
159 森科能源公司 Suncor Energy Canada Oil & Gas Operations 24.30 1.09 65.17 45.59  
160 日本鋼鐵工程式控制股公司 JFE Holdings Japan Materials 40.14 1.99 42.88 22.99  
160 美國西方石油公司 Occidental Petroleum United States Oil & Gas Operations 15.40 2.92 44.23 65.57  
162 中國海洋石油公司 Cnooc Hong Kong/China Oil & Gas Operations 18.27 6.44 30.33 70.65  
163 沃爾格林 Walgreen United States Retailing 64.75 2.09 26.55 34.89  
164 霍尼韋爾國際 Honeywell International United States Conglomerates 30.91 2.15 36.00 31.02  
165 卡特彼勒公司 Caterpillar United States Capital Goods 32.40 0.90 60.04 36.14  
166 美國安進 Amgen United States Drugs & Biotechnology 14.64 4.61 39.63 55.72  
167 [[]] Bristol-Myers Squibb United States Drugs & Biotechnology 18.81 10.61 31.01 41.81  
168 [[]] Marathon Oil United States Oil & Gas Operations 48.45 1.46 47.05 20.64  
169 [[]] 3M United States Conglomerates 23.12 3.19 27.25 57.35  
170 [[]] Canadian Imperial Bank Canada Banking 13.20 1.58 316.51 26.19  
171 [[]] Dexia Belgium Banking 98.01 1.45 828.74 9.38  
172 [[]] KDDI Japan Telecommunications Services 35.92 2.29 33.59 24.38  
173 [[]] Surgutneftegas Russia Oil & Gas Operations 18.88 4.80 37.90 29.95  
174 [[]] Sumitomo Japan Trading Companies 36.06 2.21 70.69 13.57  
175 [[]] Exelon United States Utilities 17.32 2.71 49.18 29.34  
176 [[]] Hon Hai Precision Ind Taiwan Technology Hardware & Equip 59.29 1.68 26.77 34.97  
177 [[]] Standard Bank Group South Africa Banking 16.57 1.55 162.52 22.08  
178 [[]] Bouygues France Construction 43.72 1.84 49.52 16.32  
179 [[]] EI du Pont de Nemours United States Chemicals 27.33 1.76 38.19 30.76  
180 [[]] Altria Group United States Food, Drink & Tobacco 16.82 3.21 36.68 42.17  
181 [[]] General Dynamics United States Aerospace & Defense 31.98 2.39 31.08 28.51  
182 [[]] Danone France Food, Drink & Tobacco 21.46 2.02 36.46 37.81  
183 [[]] Dell United States Technology Hardware & Equip 52.90 1.43 33.65 26.55  
184 [[]] Aflac United States Insurance 18.25 1.50 84.11 23.47  
185 [[]] Eli Lilly & Co United States Drugs & Biotechnology 21.84 4.33 27.46 39.58  
186 [[]] National Grid United Kingdom Utilities 22.22 1.34 63.54 24.24  
187 [[]] Shinhan Financial South Korea Banking 17.16 1.62 208.99 16.95  
188 [[]] Hyundai Motor South Korea Consumer Durables 63.95 0.69 81.45 21.84  
189 [[]] Dow Chemical United States Chemicals 44.88 0.65 65.94 33.00  
190 [[]] Telstra Australia Telecommunications Services 20.48 3.29 32.30 32.89  
191 [[]] Japan Tobacco Japan Food, Drink & Tobacco 28.78 1.27 37.98 36.30  
192 [[]] Carrefour Group France Food Markets 125.36 0.47 73.96 33.37  
193 [[]] Deutsche Post DHL Germany Transportation 66.29 0.92 49.84 19.69  
194 [[]] Imperial Tobacco Group United Kingdom Food, Drink & Tobacco 23.60 1.06 50.82 31.94  
195 [[]] Allstate United States Insurance 32.01 0.85 132.65 16.94  
196 [[]] PTT Public Company Thailand Oil & Gas Operations 47.58 1.79 32.80 19.88  
197 [[]] BMW Group Germany Consumer Durables 74.09 0.45 139.31 26.83  
198 [[]] China Citic Bank China Banking 9.33 1.96 173.84 36.64  
199 [[]] Wesfarmers Australia Conglomerates 40.87 1.24 31.15 29.49  
200 [[]] DnB NOR Norway Diversified Financials 13.06 1.48 315.61 18.37  
排名(Rank) 中文名稱(Chinese Name) 公司名稱(Company) 所屬國家(Country) 所屬行業(Industry) 銷售收入(Sales) ($bil)  利潤(Profits) ($bil) 總資產(Assets) ($bil) 市值(Market Value) ($bil)  
201  [[]] ACE Switzerland  Insurance  15.08  2.55  77.98  16.97  
202  [[]] Xstrata Switzerland  Materials  22.73  0.66  63.61  46.87  
203  [[]] Erste Bank Austria  Banking  20.27  1.20  278.90  14.07  
203  [[]] Gas Natural Group Spain  Utilities  20.75  1.67  64.99  16.89  
205  [[]] Royal KPN Netherlands  Telecommunications Services  19.27  3.12  32.59  25.97  
206  [[]] Southern Co United States  Utilities  15.74  1.71  52.05  26.30  
207  [[]] Veolia Environnement France  Utilities  49.50  0.84  69.15  16.20  
208  [[]] TeliaSonera Sweden  Telecommunications Services  15.24  2.63  36.20  31.30  
209  [[]] Teva Pharmaceutical Inds Israel  Drugs & Biotechnology  14.36  2.07  33.21  56.19  
210  [[]] Seven & I Holdings Japan  Food Markets  57.74  0.94  37.86  20.20  
211  [[]] Union Pacific United States  Transportation  14.14  1.90  42.41  34.21  
212  [[]] Archer Daniels United States  Food, Drink & Tobacco  62.21  1.14  33.53  19.06  
213  [[]] Holcim Switzerland  Construction  20.40  1.42  47.20  21.77  
214  [[]] Itochu Japan  Trading Companies  35.11  1.70  51.19  12.77  
215  [[]] Diageo United Kingdom  Food, Drink & Tobacco  15.34  2.67  28.69  40.93  
216  [[]] Northrop Grumman United States  Aerospace & Defense  33.76  1.69  30.25  19.08  
217  [[]] Centrica United Kingdom  Utilities  34.39  1.32  31.39  21.68  
218  [[]] ACS Group Spain  Construction  21.76  2.72  45.51  14.14  
219  [[]] Costco Wholesale United States  Retailing  74.23  1.15  23.37  27.08  
220  [[]] SABMiller United Kingdom  Food, Drink & Tobacco  14.88  1.88  31.46  42.45  
221  [[]] Lafarge France  Construction  22.76  1.05  56.20  18.57  
222  [[]] Ecopetrol Colombia  Oil & Gas Operations  14.26  2.40  27.20  54.14  
223  [[]] Christian Dior France  Household & Personal Products  24.98  1.11  48.53  18.22  
224  上海浦東發展銀行 Shanghai Pudong Dev Bk China  Banking  8.70  1.84  191.50  26.83  
225  [[]] Jardine Matheson Hong Kong/China  Conglomerates  22.50  1.60  39.13  18.25  
225  [[]] Takeda Pharmaceutical Japan  Drugs & Biotechnology  15.80  2.41  27.83  35.47  
227  [[]] Schneider Electric France  Capital Goods  22.02  1.19  34.61  28.05  
228  [[]] Medtronic United States  Health Care Equipment & Svcs  15.45  2.27  25.17  48.52  
229  [[]] McKesson United States  Drugs & Biotechnology  108.28  1.20  27.54  16.27  
230  [[]] Wilmar International Singapore  Food, Drink & Tobacco  23.89  1.88  23.36  30.31  
231  [[]] State Street United States  Diversified Financials  9.36  1.80  157.95  22.28  
232  [[]] Capital One Financial United States  Diversified Financials  15.95  0.88  169.65  17.02  
233  [[]] FPL Group United States  Utilities  15.65  1.62  48.44  19.58  
234  [[]] Deere & Co United States  Capital Goods  22.80  0.91  40.78  24.63  
235  [[]] Eletrobrás Brazil  Utilities  13.11  2.68  58.00  15.95  
236  [[]] Sun Life Financial Canada  Insurance  26.30  0.59  192.10  16.24  
237  [[]] Air Liquide France  Chemicals  17.16  1.76  28.15  31.49  
238  [[]] Carnival Panama/United Kingdom  Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure  13.16  1.79  36.84  30.09  
239  [[]] BCE Canada  Telecommunications Services  16.92  1.66  36.29  21.99  
240  [[]] Freeport Copper United States  Materials  15.04  2.75  25.87  32.87  
241  [[]] Royal Philips Electronics Netherlands  Conglomerates  33.22  0.59  42.02  29.36  
242  [[]] Swiss Re Group Switzerland  Insurance  30.71  0.49  221.50  16.44  
243  [[]] Transocean Switzerland  Oil & Gas Operations  11.56  3.18  36.44  25.81  
244  [[]] Alstom France  Conglomerates  24.66  1.46  30.85  18.63  
245  [[]] Industrial Bank China China  Banking  8.29  1.67  149.33  26.02  
246  [[]] Raytheon United States  Aerospace & Defense  24.88  1.94  23.61  21.53  
247  [[]] Power Corp of Canada Canada  Diversified Financials  31.62  0.65  136.41  12.96  
248  [[]] Banca MPS Italy  Banking  16.93  1.52  292.22  9.85  
249  [[]] Metro AG Germany  Food Markets  94.65  0.56  45.57  16.82  
250  [[]] Dominion Resources United States  Utilities  15.13  1.29  42.55  22.87  
251  [[]] Chubb United States  Insurance  13.02  2.18  50.45  16.77  
252  [[]] Aetna United States  Health Care Equipment & Svcs  34.76  1.28  38.14  13.14  
253  [[]] Medco Health United States  Health Care Equipment & Svcs  59.80  1.28  17.92  29.68  
254  [[]] Emerson Electric United States  Conglomerates  20.51  1.69  21.49  35.64  
255  [[]] National Bank of Greece Greece  Banking  12.42  2.15  140.48  11.78  
256  [[]] QBE Insurance Group Australia  Insurance  14.94  1.77  36.66  19.74  
257  [[]] Legal & General Group United Kingdom  Insurance  70.71  1.39  479.64  6.41  
258  [[]] Qualcomm United States  Technology Hardware & Equip  10.57  2.09  28.90  59.76  
259  [[]] EDP-Energias de Portugal Portugal  Utilities  19.35  1.52  48.89  13.34  
260  [[]] Nintendo Japan  Technology Hardware & Equip  18.88  2.87  18.03  39.34
261  [[]] Saudi Telecommunications Saudi Arabia  Telecommunications Services  13.54  2.90  29.07  23.47  
262  [[]] Central Japan Railway Japan  Transportation  16.13  1.29  51.03  16.07  
263  [[]] SAP Germany  Software & Services  15.29  2.56  18.73  55.27  
264  [[]] Baoshan Iron & Steel China  Materials  29.39  0.95  29.35  21.04  
265  [[]] China Minsheng Banking China  Banking  8.96  1.16  154.37  24.09  
266  [[]] Duke Energy United States  Utilities  12.73  1.08  57.04  21.59  
267  [[]] Svenska Handelsbanken Sweden  Banking  8.81  1.43  297.27  17.20  
268  [[]] PPR France  Retailing  23.71  1.41  34.30  14.67  
269  [[]] Marubeni Japan  Trading Companies  41.10  1.14  46.47  10.36  
270  [[]] Resona Holdings Japan  Banking  9.83  1.27  400.47  14.73  
271  [[]] Time Warner Cable United States  Media  17.87  1.07  43.69  16.63  
272  [[]] BB&T United States  Banking  10.82  0.85  165.76  19.20  
273  [[]] Telenor Norway  Telecommunications Services  16.85  1.55  28.49  21.42  
274  [[]] Türkiye Garanti Bankasi Turkey  Banking  9.75  2.06  77.02  16.06  
275  [[]] Canadian Natural Res Canada  Oil & Gas Operations  9.67  1.51  39.13  37.24  
276  [[]] Ericsson Sweden  Technology Hardware & Equip  28.83  0.51  35.78  32.55  
277  [[]] Mapfre Spain  Insurance  22.82  1.33  57.26  10.50  
278  [[]] Hyundai Heavy Industries South Korea  Capital Goods  22.04  1.81  30.36  13.53  
279  [[]] EnCana Canada  Oil & Gas Operations  11.11  1.86  33.83  25.35  
280  [[]] American Electric United States  Utilities  13.50  1.36  48.35  16.21  
281  [[]] EnBW-Energie Baden Germany  Utilities  22.30  1.10  45.73  12.35  
282  [[]] Icici Bank India  Banking  12.58  0.70  94.64  21.07  
283  [[]] Rolls-Royce Group United Kingdom  Aerospace & Defense  16.82  3.59  24.32  15.57  
284  [[]] EMC United States  Technology Hardware & Equip  14.03  1.09  26.81  36.44  
285  [[]] Hess United States  Oil & Gas Operations  29.57  0.74  29.47  19.63  
285  [[]] Kimberly-Clark United States  Household & Personal Products  19.12  1.88  19.21  25.29  
287  [[]] Softbank Japan  Telecommunications Services  27.45  0.44  42.81  27.90  
288  [[]] Türkiye Is Bankasi Turkey  Banking  10.97  1.61  86.34  12.60  
289  [[]] XTO Energy United States  Oil & Gas Operations  9.06  2.02  36.26  26.77  
290  [[]] Danske Bank Group Denmark  Banking  30.41  0.33  597.03  15.75  
291  [[]] Visa United States  Diversified Financials  7.13  2.54  31.72  73.12  
292  [[]] Woolworths Australia  Food Markets  40.03  1.48  13.42  30.70  
293  [[]] PG&E United States  Utilities  13.40  1.23  42.95  15.61  
294  [[]] Best Buy United States  Retailing  47.87  1.11  21.10  15.38  
295  [[]] Thomson Reuters Canada  Media  12.95  0.84  34.57  29.10  
296  [[]] HeidelbergCement Germany  Construction  19.76  2.52  36.36  9.56  
297  [[]] CCCC-China Communications Construction China  Construction  26.26  0.89  31.69  14.03  
298  [[]] LG Corp South Korea  Conglomerates  72.36  0.73  50.92  9.07  
298  [[]] Linde Germany  Chemicals  16.09  0.85  34.98  19.20  
298  [[]] Sasol South Africa  Oil & Gas Operations  17.84  1.77  18.73  23.85  
Rank 中文名 Company Country Industry Sales ($bil)  Profits ($bil) Assets ($bil) Market Value ($bil)  
301  [[]] CRH Ireland  Construction  24.23  0.83  29.47  15.89  
302  [[]] Ahold Netherlands  Food Markets  35.82  1.50  18.40  14.68  
303  [[]] Directv United States  Media  21.57  0.94  18.26  32.73  
304  [[]] Husky Energy Canada  Oil & Gas Operations  14.38  1.31  25.08  21.92  
305  [[]] FirstRand South Africa  Banking  10.93  0.90  104.61  13.67  
306  [[]] DBS Group Singapore  Banking  5.88  1.45  184.12  23.01  
307  [[]] Saint-Gobain France  Construction  52.69  0.28  60.55  24.02  
308  [[]] Baxter International United States  Health Care Equipment & Svcs  12.56  2.21  17.35  34.51  
309  [[]] Carso Global Telecom Mexico  Telecommunications Services  16.04  1.23  27.85  15.65  
310  [[]] Johnson Controls United States  Consumer Durables  29.57  0.62  23.81  21.41  
310  [[]] Singapore Telecom Singapore  Telecommunications Services  9.81  2.27  21.34  34.66  
312  [[]] TransCanada Canada  Utilities  8.55  1.34  41.82  22.84  
313  [[]] Indian Oil India  Oil & Gas Operations  47.53  0.51  28.45  16.74  
313  [[]] Severstal Russia  Materials  22.39  2.03  22.48  11.76  
315  [[]] Amazon.com United States  Retailing  24.51  0.90  13.81  55.36  
315  [[]] CEZ Czech Republic  Utilities  9.44  2.42  24.46  24.65  
317  [[]] General Mills United States  Food, Drink & Tobacco  14.78  1.63  18.56  23.87  
318  [[]] China Railway Construction China  Construction  32.21  0.53  31.86  15.75  
319  [[]] Loews United States  Insurance  14.12  0.56  74.07  15.64  
319  [[]] Pernod Ricard France  Food, Drink & Tobacco  10.10  1.33  33.33  20.40  
321  [[]] KoC Holding Turkey  Conglomerates  36.34  1.32  41.80  7.45  
322  [[]] Cigna United States  Health Care Equipment & Svcs  18.41  1.30  43.01  9.51  
323  [[]] CIC Group France  Banking  21.50  1.12  351.15  6.40  
324  [[]] Evraz Group Luxembourg  Materials  20.38  1.87  19.45  14.40  
324  [[]] Mitsui Fudosan Japan  Diversified Financials  14.57  0.86  37.87  14.84  
326  [[]] Cardinal Health United States  Drugs & Biotechnology  101.66  0.78  20.82  12.68  
327  [[]] Pub Svc Enterprise United States  Utilities  12.41  1.59  28.73  15.40  
328  [[]] Henkel Group Germany  Household & Personal Products  18.93  0.84  22.67  21.03  
329  [[]] China Cosco Holdings China  Transportation  19.21  1.71  16.95  17.85  
329  [[]] Enbridge Canada  Oil & Gas Operations  11.89  1.49  26.87  17.07  
331  [[]] Viacom United States  Media  13.62  1.61  21.90  18.01  
332  [[]] Taiwan Semiconductor Taiwan  Semiconductors  8.65  2.70  18.05  48.22  
333  [[]] NIKE United States  Household & Personal Products  18.36  1.47  13.36  33.63  
334  [[]] Tokio Marine Holdings Japan  Insurance  32.45  0.24  152.15  22.29  
334  [[]] Woori Finance Holdings South Korea  Banking  51.01  0.36  230.52  9.07  
336  [[]] Entergy United States  Utilities  10.75  1.25  37.36  14.71  
337  [[]] Aegon Netherlands  Insurance  42.68  0.29  428.46  11.04  
338  [[]] OMV Group Austria  Oil & Gas Operations  25.67  0.82  30.47  11.05  
339  [[]] Accenture Ireland  Software & Services  22.45  1.55  12.18  28.62  
340  [[]] Reckitt Benckiser Group United Kingdom  Household & Personal Products  12.53  2.29  13.79  37.64  
341  [[]] NTPC India  Utilities  8.62  1.58  22.59  36.30  
342  [[]] Monsanto United States  Chemicals  10.77  1.53  17.61  38.87  
343  [[]] Akbank Turkey  Banking  8.06  1.16  60.23  15.75  
344  [[]] Sumitomo Metal Inds Japan  Materials  18.94  1.00  24.40  13.28  
345  [[]] Tata Steel India  Materials  28.69  0.96  23.95  11.04  
346  [[]] Criteria Caixa Spain  Diversified Financials  6.53  1.84  70.37  15.28  
346  [[]] National Oilwell Varco United States  Oil & Gas Operations  12.71  1.47  21.53  18.27  
348  [[]] Colgate-Palmolive United States  Household & Personal Products  15.33  2.29  11.13  41.37  
349  [[]] Automatic Data United States  Business Services & Supplies  8.79  1.36  29.60  21.19  
349  [[]] MTN Group South Africa  Telecommunications Services  10.96  1.64  18.33  27.31  
351  [[]] Komatsu Japan  Capital Goods  20.76  0.81  19.57  19.36  
352  [[]] Swisscom Switzerland  Telecommunications Services  11.58  1.86  21.20  17.74  
353  [[]] Citigroup United States  Banking  108.07  -1.61  1,856.65  96.54  
353  [[]] Fortum Finland  Utilities  7.79  1.88  28.40  22.79  
355  [[]] Halliburton United States  Oil & Gas Operations  14.68  1.15  16.54  27.83  
356  [[]] Ebay United States  Retailing  8.73  2.39  18.41  31.02  
357  [[]] China State Construction China  Construction  29.56  0.40  29.81  19.16  
358  [[]] Areva France  Materials  12.22  0.79  32.95  16.58  
359  [[]] Banco Popular Espa?ol Spain  Banking  10.00  1.10  185.50  8.75  
360  [[]] Toyota Motor Japan  Consumer Durables  210.84  -4.49  292.73  127.10  
361  [[]] FirstEnergy United States  Utilities  12.97  1.01  34.30  11.91  
362  [[]] Shin-Etsu Chemical Japan  Chemicals  12.33  1.59  16.71  23.08  
363  [[]] KB Financial Group South Korea  Banking  8.82  0.49  212.40  16.24  
364  [[]] Teck Resources Canada  Materials  7.32  1.75  28.50  22.48  
365  [[]] Consolidated Edison United States  Utilities  13.03  0.88  33.87  12.15  
366  [[]] Danaher United States  Conglomerates  11.18  1.15  19.60  24.37  
367  [[]] Fresenius Germany  Health Care Equipment & Svcs  20.29  0.71  29.96  11.63  
368  [[]] Raiffeisen International Bank-Holding Austria  Banking  11.80  1.37  118.58  7.00  
369  [[]] Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Japan  Banking  57.53  -2.64  1,999.58  72.17  
370  [[]] CSX United States  Transportation  9.04  1.15  27.04  18.85  
371  [[]] Emirates Telecommunications United Arab Emirates  Telecommunications Services  8.39  2.41  19.40  23.29  
372  [[]] Kirin Holdings Japan  Food, Drink & Tobacco  20.44E 0.53  30.10  13.67  
373  [[]] ING Group Netherlands  Insurance  167.49  -1.30  1,667.62  35.46  
374  [[]] Edison International United States  Utilities  12.36  0.85  41.44  10.86  
375  [[]] Syngenta Switzerland  Chemicals  11.47  1.43  16.07  24.33  
375  [[]] United Overseas Bank Singapore  Banking  4.75  1.31  132.10  19.92  
377  [[]] Canadian National Canada  Transportation  7.03  1.77  24.01  25.32  
378  [[]] WPP United Kingdom  Media  14.02  0.71  35.98  11.64  
379  [[]] Express Scripts United States  Health Care Equipment & Svcs  24.75  0.83  11.93  26.55  
380  [[]] Macquarie Group Australia  Diversified Financials  8.43  0.59  102.80  13.85  
381  [[]] Illinois Tool Works United States  Capital Goods  13.88  0.95  16.08  23.16  
382  [[]] AMP Australia  Diversified Financials  9.82  0.66  80.20  11.01  
383  [[]] Heineken Holding Netherlands  Food, Drink & Tobacco  21.06  0.73  28.15  10.27  
384  [[]] Research In Motion Canada  Technology Hardware & Equip  14.34  2.27  9.70  39.09  
385  [[]] Brookfield Asset Mgmt Canada  Diversified Financials  12.08  0.45  59.37  13.64  
385  [[]] Royal Bank of Scotland United Kingdom  Banking  95.02  -5.82  2,727.94  30.90  
387  [[]] Fifth Third Bancorp United States  Banking  9.45  0.74  113.38  9.73  
388  [[]] Daimler Germany  Consumer Durables  110.06  -3.69  184.49  45.07  
389  [[]] Mitsubishi Estate Japan  Diversified Financials  9.68  0.47  44.80  21.97  
390  [[]] Novolipetsk Steel Russia  Materials  11.70  2.28  14.06  18.99  
391  [[]] Oversea-Chinese Banking Singapore  Banking  4.50  1.40  138.35  19.59  
392  [[]] UBS Switzerland  Diversified Financials  43.22  -2.64  1,288.19  48.58  
393  [[]] International Paper United States  Materials  23.37  0.66  25.55  10.55  
394  [[]] Inpex Japan  Oil & Gas Operations  11.05  1.49  17.64  17.20  
394  [[]] Waste Management United States  Business Services & Supplies  11.79  0.99  21.15  16.18  
396  [[]] Rogers Communications Canada  Telecommunications Services  11.19  1.41  16.23  20.01  
397  [[]] Finmeccanica Italy  Aerospace & Defense  20.94  0.80  40.69  7.49  
398  [[]] Newmont Mining United States  Materials  7.71  1.30  22.30  24.69  
399  [[]] MCC China  Construction  23.18  0.47  24.76  13.59  
399  [[]] Norfolk Southern United States  Transportation  7.97  1.03  27.37  19.46

哎呀呀 伟大的索尼400位开外了呢,到底在哪儿呢,在哪儿呢

[ 本帖最后由 沉默狙击手 于 2010-10-26 18:51 编辑 ]






狗泥这垃圾玩意 苹果根本不屑于收购




原帖由 RestlessDream 于 2010-10-26 18:16 发表


排名 公司名称 (中英文) 营收(单位:百万美元) 净利润(单位:百万美元)[1]

69 索尼(Sony) 77,696 -439

