For batteries that are incorporated in mobile phones and tablets it is appropriate to set performance and durability requirements regarding those batteries through a future eco-design regulation addressing phones and tablets and to update Commission Regulation (EU) No 617/2013(10) on computers and computer servers.
‘Product type’ means desktop computer, integrated desktop computer, notebook computer, desktop thin client, workstation, mobile workstation, small-scale server, computer server, blade system and components, multi-node server, server appliance, game console, docking station, internal power supply or external power supply;
原帖由 @achen126 于 2023-7-16 18:38 发表 gba配个5寸屏+骁龙625处理器+5号电池仓就是传统终极2D掌机!psv配个7寸屏+m1处理器+1万毫安锂电就是终极3D掌机