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[其他] 天绝人灭,改了又改5对改无可改3,比真还真5对废渣毛多3


Forza系列的製作人Dan Greenawalt告訴VideoGamer.com, 他們的製作組已經「證明」了FORZA是一個無人能夠趕超的模擬駕車遊戲

Greenwalt說:「基本上,事實已經證明了我們可以做出一個無人能趕超的模擬駕車遊戲。 對於這個版本(3代)來說,我們做了一些改進,但說實話,我們已經改無可改了。 因為我們做的事情別人做都沒做過。

我把我的工作變得更加困難。 這就是我們的目標,對吧? 在這個版本裡,我們可以說, 我們已經使賽車遊戲超越完美了, 開始了一個新的境界。還有什麼別的賽車遊戲擁有的特性我們沒有? 好吧,還有一些小細節, 非常小。 雖然並不是說它們做起來簡單,但它們都是瑣碎之事。

FORZA製作組 '我們已經改無可改' FORZA是無人能夠趕超的模擬駕車遊戲

Greenawalt said: 「Basically we』ve proven ourselves, that we can deliver a simulator no-one else can touch. For this version we made improvements but we』re actually running out of improvements to make because no-one else is doing the stuff we』re doing.

"I』ve made my job much, much, much harder. And that was the goal, right? In this version we』re saying we』ll perfect the racing game and start taking it beyond. What other racing game features do I want to do? Yeah there are a couple of little things, very small. They』re not easy, but they』re small.」

http://www.videogamer.com/news/t ... ake_on_forza_2.html






posted by wap, platform: Nokia (E71)


本帖最后由 倍舒爽 于 2010-8-21 21:05 通过手机版编辑


超越真实? 那还是真实吗?





原帖由 倍舒爽 于 2010-8-21 20:56 发表
posted by wap, platform: Nokia (E71)


本帖最后由 倍舒爽 于 2010-8-21 21:05 通过手机版编辑  
原帖由 三派聚义 于 2010-8-21 21:34 发表
超越真实? 那还是真实吗?





With Forza 3 Motorsport reviews out today, we felt it was only fair to give Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of its main competitor Gran Turismo 5, a chance to talk about his game and he didn’t hold back.

In an exclusive interview with NowGamer, the man from Polyphony Digital asserted that Gran Turismo 5 not only looks good but it looks ‘better than reality’.

“We consider reality under the best and most aesthetically pleasing conditions”
"'Better than reality' – yeah, that's one way of putting it. In a way, it's kind of a given that it's going to look better than reality. The thing about reality is that the criteria for looking "real" are actually a lot stricter and volatile than you'd expect. The way the sun shines, reflects off something, the way it lights scenery – we seldom have the opportunity to see what we consider "reality" under the best and most aesthetically pleasing conditions.”

He went on to say: “Every time we go out to the circuit and take photos of cars, we get that same impression again. When you see a race on television, compared to a race in a game, you realise that the reality isn't as shiny or pleasant as the game. However, these "best conditions" do indeed exist. They happen every once in a while. Maybe, once a year, you'll be watching a race on TV, or you'll be outside, and a cloud will move in an ideal direction, and the sun will shine down at a perfect angle, and maybe just for a moment you'll have this beautiful scene right in front of you.”




IL: 山内老大,啥时GT5能在美国上市啊
山内: ...今天天气真不错.哈哈

IL: 恩..就算我再近视我都能看到GT5加入的NASCAR和WRC规格赛事,是你拍脑袋想出来的?
山内: NASCAR 就是你们美国土著玩的标枪游戏.我们日本人一般喜欢欧洲的赛事,基本上,NASCAR关我鸟事,老子也是最近开眼看了点皮毛.不过确实够tmd的有趣,所以在游戏的天平上我准备增加2个砝码,一个给欧洲人WRC,一个给美国佬那就是NASCAR,这样一碗水就端平了
IL: 老子看到了车损!这是不是您对某些SB天天叫唤碰碰车的最好回击?
山内: 是的.

山内: 不,只是我不想像某些SB那样,连车都没做好就出来叫唤啊啊啊啊车损啊..先得把车子做得像真的一样.然后加强物理属性.车损只不过是最后用来塞那些SB抹布的..

IL: 你颤抖了么,看到FZ3后
山内: 妈的!说要打倒老子的排了几里路长队.老子要是无聊到关心这些排队的还怎么做游戏啊

山内:所有的贫乳平台的特征就是...恩.. 乳量不足....GT有十年历史了,从天生贫乳到D cup离不开热心玩家天天揉的努力,我可以负责任的告诉你之所以会选择贫乳平台的做GT的原因----就是我认为还是有一些新人是喜欢从贫乳开始玩起!

IL: 那么在贫乳平台上面临最大的挑战是?
山内:胸小,要把纽博格林这样的大胸罩改为适合a- - 的飞机场还要让人觉得像水蜜桃是很困难的.

IL: 下载到16g的pspgo 上会占用多大容量

IL: 你喜欢贫乳系的么

IL: 你玩采姑娘的小蘑菇推车么?
山内: 哈哈哈哈

IL: GT5可以多人同时群p???
山内: 4p

IL: 60帧万岁!!你怎么做到的?

IL: 你上过纽博格林几次?

IL: 用Ford GTs?
山内:不同体位,有Nissan GT-R, Audi TT, Mercedes C-Class and Mercedes SL.

IL: 你觉得GTR???

IL: 什么颜色的?
山内: 红色,就是你在psp上玩到的那个

IL: 对于双离合/自动手动档的喜好是?

IL: 你会不会让在线排名皎皎者参加实际试驾活动?
山内: 当然

IL: 在上市GT5之前搞这样的活动么?

IL: GT5P出来的时候你说你眼中的赛车游戏才完成了10%-20%,GT5完成后这个数字是不是可以上升到50%

IL: 在完整版GT5中,是不是有美版车和其他版本车的差别体现?左舵/排量限制等等..

IL: 在PSP版中,是不是会引入真实的改装车配件品牌进行轮胎,悬挂等改造?

IL: 在GT5中,我是不是可以用不同品牌的不同规格的轮胎来改造并测试以磨合我的爱车并适合跑道环境进行驾驶?
山内: 当然


IL: Any details on when Gran Turismo 5 will be released in the U.S.?
Yamauchi: It's not decided yet.

IL: But I couldn't help but notice the NASCAR and WRC licenses in the GT5 trailer you released today at E3. Why, in particular, did you decide to add NASCAR?
Yamauchi: NASCAR is a very North American motorsport. In Japan, we're very European-oriented in terms of racing, and NASCAR has always been sort of a far existence for us -- we don't know very much about it. I actually had a chance to watch NASCAR in person a while back, and the experience was very eye-opening. We just thought that having this amazing series, including it in the Gran Turismo world, we would have WRC on one side and that would be the European angle and you would have NASCAR for the North American perspective -- that would really widen the field of the game.

IL: I also noticed the damage to the STI in the trailer, so should I take that as a hint that this will be the first Gran Turismo game that shows visible damage when people crash into a wall?

Yamauchi: Yes.

IL: How difficult is it to incorporate that into a racing simulation?

Yamauchi: It's just the order of priority. You have to get the shape of the car and the physics completely perfect to call it a simulator to begin with. Deformation was just something that's lower on the list of priorities to do for a game.

IL: Are you concerned about Forza 3 beating GT5 to market?

Yamauchi: I don't really know that much about the other games that are out.

Did you have any hesitation in doing a portable version of Gran Turismo given the limitations of portable gaming systems, particularly for driving games?

Yamauchi: There were a lot of limitations involved in creating a portable version. Gran Turismo is such a huge game. Gran Turismo has 10 years of history now, and of course there are people who have played it over the years from the first series to our newest, but I thought it would be good to have a new entry point for new users into the series, and that's where this PSP version is kind of placed.

IL: What was the biggest challenge you faced in creating the portable version?

Yamauchi: Simply put, the amount of memory available on PSP is very small. To run Nurburgring on a small machine like that is really hard work.

IL: When users download GT Mobile onto their PSP Go (since it doesn't have a UMD), how much of the player's 16GB will it take up?

Yamauchi: We're making efforts so that it's not going to exceed 1 GB. Otherwise, people are just going to fall asleep and drop dead while downloading.

Scott Goryl (Sony Computer Entertainment America): GT Mobile is also going to be available on UMD for previous versions of PSP.

IL: Had you played many portable games before you started developing this? Do you even have a PSP?

Yamauchi: I actually did try a bunch of them out before we started, and my impression was that there wasn't a single racing game that was worth anything.

IL: Did you play Mario Kart for Nintendo DS?

Yamauchi (laughs): I actually kind of like Mario Kart.

IL: On the DS, where you have the wireless that allows you to play against friends who are nearby, is that how the ad hoc mode on GT Mobile works?

Yamauchi: Yes. Up to 4 players can race each other.

IL: Sixty frames per second is good. How is something like that possible on a handheld?

Yamauchi (laughs): With a lot of effort. Sixty frames per second is something we're really wanting to stick to, because otherwise, we can't call it a game -- or at least I wouldn't call it a video game.

IL: So your favorite track in the game is the Nurburgring Nordschleife. Have you driven that much yourself?

Yamauchi: I think I've had about 10 occasions there.

IL: In one of your Ford GTs?

Yamauchi: I've driven it in the Nissan GT-R, Audi TT, Mercedes C-Class and Mercedes SL.

IL: What do you think of the Nissan GT-R? Would you own one for yourself?

Yamauchi: I actually do have one. I've driven it in various conditions be it on the circuit or winding roads. One thing you really notice is that it's an unnaturally fast car -- and it's very safe and it's very fast.

IL: What color is it?

Yamauchi: Red. It's the default color of the GT-R in the version of GT Mobile you played.

IL: I want to ask you about automated manual transmissions. The GT-R has one. You have a similar transmission in the Mitsubishi Evo. The Audi R8 has R-tronic, just a single clutch, but there are an increasing number of these transmissions on the market. Does this have any implications as far as designing driving games, because it's technically a manual transmission but it functions more like an automatic. Yet, in video games, you have the choice of one or the other. Is this going to force you to rethink how you design games and actually have animation of the driver shifting with paddles?

Yamauchi: Internally, all these types of transmissions are replicated in our games. Of course, you have single- and dual-clutch versions, but the shift timing and torque application and time lag of the shift and all the gearbox characteristics are actually replicated accurately in our games. For example, in GT5 Prologue, the 2007 Ferrari F1 car uses a seamless shifter and that's simulated accurately as well.

IL: For yourself on a racetrack, do you prefer a real manual transmission or one of these automated manual gearboxes?

Yamauchi: I like the real manual shifter better. I like that rhythm you have when you're doing your own shifting.

IL: For Europe there was the GT Driving Academy organized in conjunction with GT5 Prologue, and now Microsoft and Audi are going to do something similar to promote Forza 3 -- an endurance race competition. Is that something you plan to do more of in the U.S. and Japan -- where you get the top-ranked online users and let them participate in some kind of competition and potentially let them drive on a track as well?

Yamauchi: Yeah, we do have plans to do something like that both in the U.S. and Japan.

IL: In advance of the launch of GT5?

Yamauchi: Ten years of Gran Turismo history led up to creating that successful young driver. That's something we definitely want to continue.

IL: In the 20-minute documentary that came out when GT5 Prologue was released, you said your vision for what a racing game could be was only 10-15 percent complete. Do you think you might be at 50 percent when the full version of GT5 comes out?

Yamauchi: That's probably a good figure.

IL: In the full version of GT5, do you think there will be any more distinction between U.S-specification and JDM-specification of Japanese-brand car, because for instance now if you choose to race a WRX STI, then you have a right-hand-drive car with the 2.0-liter engine that's offered in Japan (which arguably performs better), but would there ever be an option to choose a left-hand-drive model with the 2.5-liter engine that's used here?

Yamauchi: It's always a possibility that we'll do something like that, but ever since we made the transition to the PS3-based Gran Turismo 5 Prologue and beyond, one car takes so long to make. If we have a right-hand-drive and a left-hand-drive model, it might take 3 or 4 months to create each one. We just have to weigh our priorities of what we can do and can't do.

IL: What aftermarket licenses are you going to have for GT Mobile -- for tire, suspension and brake upgrades?

Yamauchi: In the PSP version, you're not going to be able to change parts and tune your car that way. We won't have specific tire and damper manufacturers.

IL: In the full version of GT5, are you going to let players choose different models and brands of tires to alter the handling characteristics of their cars and increase the realism of the game?

Yamauchi: It's very important to do that.


原帖由 west2046 于 2010-8-21 22:15 发表

http://www.nowgamer.com/news/146 ... better-than-reality

With Forza 3 Motorsport reviews out today, we felt it was only fair to give Kazunori Yamauc ...
'Better than reality' 的意思就是,

[ 本帖最后由 zero3rd 于 2010-8-21 22:29 编辑 ]


做了这么多年 再没点效果可以直接跳楼自杀了


原帖由 west2046 于 2010-8-21 22:15 发表



原帖由 板砖砸篮 于 2010-8-21 22:31 发表
做了这么多年 再没点效果可以直接跳楼自杀了

[ 本帖最后由 倍舒爽 于 2010-8-21 22:44 编辑 ]





原帖由 倍舒爽 于 2010-8-21 22:37 发表


http://youtaba.tk/laobubu/ng/watch.php?id=Os ...
原帖由 zero3rd 于 2010-8-21 19:41 发表

在东京汽车展上,PD 和一个商业合作伙伴Denso共同开发了一个叫“GPS跟踪单元”的玩意儿,会安装在消息一里的那个新概念车中。这个东西的作用呢,就是可以用来记录你在真实赛道上跑过的路线和所有操作数据等到一个USB盘中,然后回家你可以把这个U盘插在PS3上跟你的gt5中的同样赛道的数据进行同步,你甚至可以看到你真实赛道中跑过的幽灵车,并跟自己进行一下真实VS虚拟的较量。


With Forza 3 Motorsport reviews out today, we felt it was only fair to give Kazunori Yamauchi, creator of its main competitor Gran Turismo 5, a chance to talk about his game and he didn’t hold back.

In an exclusive interview with NowGamer, the man from Polyphony Digital asserted that Gran Turismo 5 not only looks good but it looks ‘better than reality’.

“We consider reality under the best and most aesthetically pleasing conditions”
"'Better than reality' – yeah, that's one way of putting it. In a way, it's kind of a given that it's going to look better than reality. The thing about reality is that the criteria for looking "real" are actually a lot stricter and volatile than you'd expect. The way the sun shines, reflects off something, the way it lights scenery – we seldom have the opportunity to see what we consider "reality" under the best and most aesthetically pleasing conditions.”

He went on to say: “Every time we go out to the circuit and take photos of cars, we get that same impression again. When you see a race on television, compared to a race in a game, you realise that the reality isn't as shiny or pleasant as the game. However, these "best conditions" do indeed exist. They happen every once in a while. Maybe, once a year, you'll be watching a race on TV, or you'll be outside, and a cloud will move in an ideal direction, and the sun will shine down at a perfect angle, and maybe just for a moment you'll have this beautiful scene right in front of you.”

