原帖由 sxyzero 于 2006-10-23 14:00 发表 反正R版把我们的言论都是当笑话看的,每次都笑死他了
原帖由 内酷反川 于 2006-10-23 14:01 发表 是S饭太异想天开
原帖由 狂风007 于 2006-10-23 14:18 发表 这个,我想了一个PS3玩D的方法,不知道可行不? 1 把PS3游戏COPY出来装进D9里,大概得3-4张D9; 2 再把D9里的游戏装进PS3的硬盘,从硬盘运行游戏. 这样的优点是:1 绕过了蓝光 ...
Xbox 360 to the Rescue http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,1884539,00.asp Needless to say, I am impressed by the Xbox 360. The Xbox 360 explores new menu structures with a unique and pleasant GUI. …… One of the PC industry's challenges has always been integration. The Media Center PC has so much functionality that it may be overwhelming for users who can't figure how to turn off underlining or Caps Lock while typing in Microsoft Word. The commercial failure of the Media Center PC and other initiatives is generally because of their increasing complexity. Any hardware or software product will, over time, incorporate new features rather than improve old features. Inevitably, the learning curve becomes too steep for new users. Thus, the product is usable only by longtime users. …… It seems as if the Xbox 360 can be plugged in like any game console and act as a Media PC proxy without the inconvenience. This is genius, and the best example of integration I have seen. Note that this came from game designers and not from business software developers. The sooner we realize that creativity is centered in the game business, the better off the entire industry will be.
原帖由 RestlessDream 于 2006-10-23 15:58 发表 我的回复每次都是有理有据的,你不妨先看清楚,再使用“反正……每次……都”这样的句式 sure,给你一个被笑的理由 我笑的不是Bill对mod和XBMC有兴趣。他是聪明绝顶的人,而且是程序员出身,他当然明 ...
原帖由 Ashley 于 2006-10-23 17:29 发表 你们难道没一个人听说过PS2上也有正式发售的Linux吗?
原帖由 内酷反川 于 2006-10-23 17:52 发表 (实际上,微软Xbox 360的GUI设计师,也是用户体验设计师在其个人blog上贴过他对PS3 GUI界面的一些“困惑”……有想读的我也可以贴出来……) 十分想知道
原帖由 张力 于 2006-10-23 18:14 发表 R版码这么多字很赞,原创水平比某人高多了 有两个疑问,R版来解答: 1。R版是否有PSP? 2。LINUX FOR PS3与LINUX FOR PS2有何区别?
原帖由 深蓝LWL1123 于 2006-10-23 18:19 发表 莫非PSP是开源的?SONY鼓励你们去玩破解,去玩自制软件么? 那无数次的升级是干吗的? LINUX FOR PS3和LINUX FOR PS2本质上面是无任何区别的,想必SONY也不会傻到靠这么个东西去对抗MS MS是做甚出生的, ...