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三星发了封email说不再支持knox,要赶紧下个secure folder转移过去

posted by wap, platform: Samsung

My Knox will no longer be available on new Samsung devices in 2017. You may continue your secure space experience by setting up Secure Folder, available now from Galaxy Apps.

Secure Folder runs on Android N OS or higher versions only. It leverages the defense-grade Samsung Knox security platform to create a private, encrypted space on your Samsung Galaxy phone. Applications and data moved to Secure Folder are partitioned separately on the device and gain an additional layer of security and privacy.

To seamlessly transfer your private content between solutions, please back up your My Knox data and restore it to Secure Folder. To back up your My Knox data, go to My Knox settings > Backup and restore. Remember, a Samsung account is required to use this feature.

You can restore backup data after setting up Secure Folder. Go to Secure Folder settings > Backup and restore > Restore.

You may use My Knox until its end-of-service date (which will be announced soon). However, be aware that we will not be actively maintaining the service or adding new features.

The Samsung Knox Team

什么情况? 我不转移难道三星会远程删掉我的knox吗?这email都不解释一下为什么要用这个secure folder。


