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刺客信条下一作 预计12年推出.Desmond的故事即将完结.

将是Major title..不是兄弟会和启示录这类的Spinoff了.

During the company's earnings call this morning, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot confirmed the news: "There will be another great, full-fledged Assassin’s Creed title next year," he said.

"It will be a major release and we’ll be communicating more about it in the coming months," Guillemot added.

One of the main character's for the series, Desmond, will have his story arc end with "Assassin's Creed: Revelations."

"In Assassin's Creed we set up a timeline with this whole end of the world plot of December 2012. That's fast approaching, and the story we have to tell, we obviously need to do it before we arrive at that point,” said Creative Director Alexandre Amancio in an interview with Eurogamer.

"We have the Ezio cycle and the Altair cycle, and both of those are set to conclude in Revelations, and we have the Desmond cycle, which is set to end on December 2012. But [there are] many cycles within the brand – that's the whole point. History is our playground,” Amancio added.


看意思 这次启示录把ezio跟Altair说完,明年年底把desmond说完.之后又该挖新坑了.

