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[专题讨论] 生化危机4 终极HD版 Capcom官方人员对今次PC再版的澄清与解释

Feature wise, the new PC version is based on the Xbox 360 version, which in turn is based on Wii/GCN versions.

Many of the texture assets have been redone (not everything, mind you) from the ground up, as you can see in the screenshot gallery on the Steam Store page. I've uploaded a handful of side-by-side comparison shots for good measure just to give everyone an idea.

The game has an option to toggle between original and HD texture pack. HD texture pack is approximately 5GB while the standard pack weighs in at 1.6GB (they're in separate directories). After excluding common redistributables such as DirectX and Visual C++, the game itself comes out to about 11GB.

Similar to the Xbox 360/PS3 version, most cut scenes are rendered real time and in-engine. Some cut scenes, such as those from the Separate Ways content introduced with the PS2 version, were only captured in video. Aside from that, movies such as the opening CGI movie are naturally upscaled from the original 2005 release (again, same with all other versions).

Graphics Option - Game allows you to select whatever resolution your Windows OS supports. That said, the game is optimized for 1920x1080 (16:9) format running at 60fps and has been tested as such, but it seems to work in higher resolutions as well. Anything beyond 1080p has not been formally tested and therefore not 'officially' supported by Capcom, but I've had it run fine on 2560x1600, 2560x1440, and 1920x1200 settings. Your mileage may vary. In-menu, the game will also have anti-aliasing options up to 8X, three shadow quality settings, aforementioned texture quality toggle, full screen on/off toggle, motion blur on/off toggle, and one other 'fun' graphics option that I just won't mention at this time so as not to ruin the surprise. There are other graphics options not surfaced via the in-game menu, but I'm sure many of you tinkerers will find it without problem. Standard disclaimer: any tweaks you make outside of the game menu aren't officially supported by Capcom
BY wbacon [capcom]

2.大多数材质都经过重制和提升,(并不是全部),你可以在STEAM商店首页看到对比图。今次PC版本有提供选项给玩家随意转换HD材质和SD材质,HD材质大约5GB,SD材质是1.6GB,而他们是分开存放于不同文件夹中的。再加上一些系统需求的软件例如DirectX and Visual C++,游戏本体的容量达到11GB。
4. 游戏提供多种分辨率,CAPCOM官方推荐1080P和60帧。玩家可以自己尝试更高分辨率,开发者已经试过 2560x1600, 2560x1440, 和1920x1200。但只有1080P是得到官方支持。游戏菜单提供多重画质选项,包括抗锯齿,最高到8X。3档阴影,以上提到的材质选项,全屏开关,动作模糊,还有一个有趣的画质选项保密,留待玩家拿到游戏时发掘。

翻译 by 欢熙 at STEAM吧


http://www.capcom-unity.com/brel ... ks-to-60fps-trailer

底部有个链接是60fps的1080p预告 可离线下载


原帖由 Nemo_theCaptain 于 2014-1-24 20:56 发表

顺着你的思路往下想了想 当年PC的移植工作交给傻逼source next负责然后一泡污 说不准就是为了冷饭回炉做准备啊

