原帖由 @yfl2 于 2015-11-8 12:45 发表 提数字版销量了? 倒是提到的首周游戏时间数是远远不如3和4
原帖由 @yfl2 于 2015-11-8 12:55 发表 233 这算什么信息啊 只是xboxlive上首周销量最好的数字版而已 Originally Posted by ethomaz There is one stat we can compare with Halo 3 / Halo 4. Halo 3 "Within the first day of its launch, “Halo 3” players worldwide racked up more than 3.6 million hours of online gameplay, which increased more than elevenfold to 40 million hours by the end of the first week," 40 million hours in first week for Halo 3 Halo 4 "with over 4 million players in the first five days. Users spent a total of 31.4 million hours playing “Halo 4,” 31.4 million hours in first week for Halo 4 Halo 5 "Fans have logged more than 21 million hours of total gameplay, including 12 million hours in campaign mode alone." 21 million hours in the first week for Halo 5 You can see how the activity dropped from the releases... almost half of Halo 3 and Halo 3 activity was sp focused.
原帖由 @yfl2 于 2015-11-8 13:02 发表 那你告诉我这个信息能说明什么呢?能推导出halo5北美数字版销量超过百万还是50万了么?仅仅是xbox最高而已