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[其他] 传言SE把时空之旅的版权卖给小胡子了

The German Wunderlampe come outside with reported to that Square-Enix of plan are two of its gamereeksen to another developer/publisher. this sell because the development costs of these games burst out higher than (expected) to sell. From own speculation the site ends up on two candidates, namely knows the Kingdom Hearts-reeks and the Seiken Densetsu-reeks (Mana-reeks). Thus Wunderlampe that the Kingdom Hearts-licentie expect will be sold to Buena Vista games, where Xbox 360-game and Wii-game belong entirely to the possibilities. At the Seiken Densetsu-licentie the site ends up at Nintendo, since there parts still more appear for Nintendo consoles. Licenties also other are evaluated. Thus Chrono-licentie are already bound to Mistwalker (Chrono Trigger 2 to the Xbox 360?), and the remaining ranges are already excluded weigh moderate sales in the west. To what extent Wunderlampe are right, I doubt it, but rumours are rumours.

