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[新闻] IGN 收黑錢了,360美版信賴玲音Review is up


Eternal Sonata - 9.17.200709.10.07 @ 06:56 pm  ( LINK )Just one more week until Eternal Sonata releases! What intrigues me most about Eternal Sonata is the combat system in the RPG. You're rewarded for careful battle coordination, and the combat is also influenced by light and darkness, undergoing massive changes to attacks, abilities, and even physical forms. Here's a short summary of the game:

Eternal Sonata follows the adventures of famed composer Frederic Chopin as he travels through his own dream world filled with colorful characters and stunning locales. In a land where music influences both combat and exploration, Chopin sets out on a journey not only of self-discovery, but also one of redemption.

If you haven't checked out the demo, go download it from the Xbox Live Marketplace and definitely give it a try!

