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[其他] 杰克船长日爆HDDVD BD再次统治性表现 杰森波恩小命亦不保

Disc Sales: 'Pirates' Leads Blu-ray to Decisive Weekly Win Over HD DVD

Propelled by strong sales of 'Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End,' Blu-ray software sales topped HD DVD by more than a 3:1 margin for the week ending December 9, 2007.

As we reported earlier in the week, the latest 'Pirates' Blu-ray release is said to have moved 160,000 units in its first week. Although Disney has yet to confirm those numbers, last week's final Nielsen VideoScan numbers are now in, and they provide a bit more color on just how well 'At World's End' did.

Representing a commanding share of the marketplace, Captain Jack & company sold nearly three times as many units as its closest competitor (Sony's 'Superbad' Blu-ray) -- and almost eight times the week's top-selling HD DVD (BBC Video's 'Planet Earth' box set).

The strong showing for 'Pirates' helped Blu-ray turn in a decisive victory for the week, with the format accounting for a whopping 76% of total high-def disc sales.

With strong early sales reported for this week's HD DVD release of 'The Bourne Ultimatum,' all eyes are now on next week's numbers: what effect will the Matt Damon starrer on overall format sales in a week that's also seen the long-awaited dual-format debut of all five Harry Potter titles? Stay tuned...

杰克船长带领众海盗在BD上群魔乱舞 截至12月9日的周销量上BD再次占据绝对统治性的76% 海盗3的销量是同期HD最高排名销量的8倍
廉价版的HD播放器没能刺激节目内容的销售 排名最高销量的HD节目竟然是已经上市多时的Planet Earth HDDVD节目内容匮乏显现无疑
下周关注环球的波恩身份3 据说首发销量尚可 但是变形金刚尚不能为HD挽回败局 估计波恩亦小命不保
同时聚焦华纳的哈利波特双格式方面的销量 BD版本大幅度领先HD估计已不可逆转 华纳之前表示要看年底双方销量的好坏来支持其中一方 HD看来死期不远了





