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[新闻] 变形金刚井喷无效 BD仍然销量领先HD~~~~~~~~~~

Disc Sales: Blu-ray Squeaks Weekly Win Against 'Transformers' HD DVD
Fri Oct 26, 2007 at 02:21 AM ET
Tags: Disc Sales, Paramount (all tags)

Home Media Magazine is reporting a narrow Blu-ray disc sales victory for the week ending Oct 21, disputing Paramount's previously released sales numbers for HD DVD edition of 'The Transformers.'

According to the just-published report, Blu-ray won the week by a thin margin that amounts to 51% of the high-def discs sold, versus 49% for HD DVD. Although a two percent lead is certainly not commanding, many were expecting the HD DVD camp to win the week, thanks in large part to Paramount's high-profile HD DVD exclusive release of Transformers.

As we've previously reported, earlier this week Paramount issued a press release projecting record-breaking first-week sales of 190,000 units. Home Media Magazine disputes Paramount's numbers, estimating the actual number of units that sold through to consumers as closer to 115,000.

Some have theorized that Blu-ray's strong showing for the week in the face of such strong sales for 'The Transformers' is attributable in part to a series of "buy one get one free" offers extended by Disney at such leading retailers as Best Buy, Circuit City and Amazon.

In any case, here's betting these latest sales numbers will give both formats something to crow about this Friday. On the HD DVD side, 'The Transformers' propelled the format to its strongest weekly showing against its next-gen rival in over nine months; on the Blu-ray side, even up against the third biggest box office grosser of the year, the Sony-backed format still managed to eke out a victory.

Home Media Magazine报道虽然有人预测HD在变形金刚的带动下能在周销量超过BD 但是上周BD销量仍然占51%轻微领先HD的49%。 另外派拉蒙称变形金刚首周销售19万 实际应该只有11.5万
http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/ ... formers_HD_DVD/1109

