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传PS now本月23日登录PC,能玩PS3游戏

posted by wap, platform: Samsung
最近有传言称索尼的 PS Now服务将登陆PC平台,如果消息准确的话,那么将来你可以在你的电脑或平板上玩《神秘海域3》和《最后生还者》等PS3独占游戏了。

法国游戏媒体Gamekult说内部人士告诉他们,索尼的订阅服务PS Now PC版将于8月23日公布。另外一家外媒PC GamesN也表示,内部人士称PS Now服务登陆PC,首先开放的国家是比利时,荷兰和英国,一个星期后再是美国和加拿大。但兼容的游戏数量暂未提到。
此外,PC玩家需要Windows 7或以上的操作系统,而且网络速度不能低于5M。玩家还需要一个兼容手柄。
6月份时,索尼曾为PS Now一口气增加了50余款新游戏,将PS Now游戏库数量增加到了400多个。
PS Now服务年费是100美元,月份你是20美元或45美元三个月。索尼还提供了一个7天免费试玩,诱惑玩家入坑。当然了如果你不喜欢,试玩一周后可以取消。
和微软一样,索尼最近对待PC的态度逐渐友好起来。如果PS Now真的登陆PC,那么至少之前的独占游戏PC玩家是可以玩了。


posted by wap, platform: Chrome
According to our information, the announcement is scheduled for 23 August with a launch in stride Belgium, the Netherlands and the UK in the first place, while the United States and Canada should be able to enjoy a week later. Availability dates for France or Japan are not known, but it is already acquired it takes at least a PC running Windows 7, an internet connection at 5 MB / s or more and a compatible controller (preferably a DualShock 4) to enjoy 300 games catalog from their computer. Available since 2014 in North America and 2015 in Europe and Japan, the monthly subscription to PS Now currently costs 17 euros in France.
Read more at http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2016/08/11/streaming-service-playstation-now-coming-to-pc/#SAuJphv3QpcuXJi7.99

