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No Price Cut For Japan
Meaning the Japanese PS3 is no longer a steal.
by Anoop Gantayat
July 9, 2007 - By now, you've probably heard that rumor has become fact and the PS3 really is getting a price drop in North America. That's right, the 60 Gig PS3 is now $499, and a $599 80 Gig unit is on the way for release in August.

In response to the Sony America announcement, Japan's Impress Watch reports that Japan is being left out of the low price fun, at least for now. When asked about the issue, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan recycled its old response about how pricing is determined based on the market state of each territory, adding that "there are no current plans" to drop the price in Japan.

Impress also reports that the 80 Gig model set for release in America will be based around the system's European redesign, which implements PS2 backwards compatibility through emulation of the Emotion Engine. The 60 Gig model will continue to feature the Emotion Engine/Graphic Synthesizer combo chip that has been with the system since the start, the site reports.

So for those keeping score at home, Japan is no longer your cheapest option for buying a PS3, and it will shortly lose status as the only major market where you can still buy the PS3 in two SKUs.

大意:北美60G ps3降价100刀,日本方面宣布不降价。另外80G ps3使用的是欧洲机型,软件模拟来向下兼容ps2游戏。而60G让然是集成了Emotion Engine。


