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[其他] 虽然火星但是还是要说,R星做沙箱已入化境,无人能敌

原帖由 JZF 于 2011-11-4 22:08 发表

看起来美帝人不是这样理解的sandbox games的mechanics

An open world is a type of video game level design concept where a player can freely roam a virtual world and change any factor at will.[1] Video games that include such level design often are referred to as "free roam" games.
The term is sometimes used interchangeably with "sandbox" and "free-roaming";[2][3] however, the terms open world and free-roaming describe the game environment itself and allude more to the absence of artificial barriers,[4] in contrast to the invisible walls and loading screens that are common in linear level designs. The term sandbox refers more to the mechanics of a game and how, as in a physical sandbox, the user is entertained by his ability to play creatively and with there being "no right way"[5] of playing the game.

However, the series that had the greatest cultural impact was the Grand Theft Auto series.[3] With over 14 million sales,[42] some critics treat the release of Grand Theft Auto III in 2001 as a revolutionary event in the history of video games, much like the release of Doom nearly a decade earlier.[43] Other critics, however, likened Grand Theft Auto III to The Legend of Zelda and Metroid,[4] as well as Shenmue,[38][39][40][41] and noted how GTA III had combined elements from previous games and fused them together into a new immersive experience. For instance, radio stations had been implemented earlier in games such as Sega's Out Run (1986)[33] and Maxis' SimCopter (1996), open-ended missions based on operating a taxi cab in a sandbox environment were the basis for Sega's Crazy Taxi (1999),[44] the ability to beat or kill non-player characters dates back to several titles such as Portopia (1983),[45] Hydlide II (1985)[46] and Final Fantasy Adventure (1991),[47] and the way in which players run over pedestrians and get chased by police has been compared to Pac-Man (1980).[48] After the release of Grand Theft Auto III, many games which employed a 3D open world were labeled, often disparagingly, as Grand Theft Auto clones, much as how many early first-person shooters were called "Doom clones".[49]

