原帖由 532 于 2018-7-24 11:18 发表 如果对比做得客观点,得找个同型号批次的箱子塞子跟展示机放一起,大家一起冬北风夏空调霉春雨这么来几年,区别对待呢,就是一个通电一个不通电 不然你怎么知道是电把发音单元煲了还是你们吸的二手烟尼古丁跟煤焦 ...
原帖由 hftrrt 于 2018-7-24 12:34 发表 有什么困难?不告诉你AB分别是什么耳机,全程蒙眼,你能靠夹耳和重量猜出来?
In our first headphone listening tests, the experimenter positionally substituted the different headphones onto the listener's head from behind so that the headphone could not be visually identified. However, after a couple of trials, listeners began to identify certain headphones simply by their weight and clamping force. One of the easiest headphones for listeners to identify was the Audeze LCD-2, which was considerably heavier (522 grams) and more uncomfortable than the other headphones. The test was essentially no longer blind.