. In GOW3 all the cutscenes are created using our in-game engine, however some scenes were just too epic to run real time and thus are recorded videos."
原帖由 ffcactus 于 2011-12-12 09:25 发表 posted by wap, platform: iPhone 未必GOW所有过场但是一台三红演示出来的?
原帖由 leon2510 于 2011-12-12 09:52 发表 LZ 神逻辑! 多台并不表示使用多台渲染一个过场! 既然即时游玩画面,和过场看上去差不多。 这就完全可以证明,单机即时演算过场没什么大问题。 就算实际画面也秒360所有游戏
原帖由 NOKIA_N9 于 2011-12-12 10:10 发表 其实海域2和3都有不输于预录过场的即时演算过场,比如2代的火车关最后火车翻滚撞毁场景,还有3代的来到沙漠城市前的人物CG级别表现的过场等等。 闹不清LZ的喷点在哪里?喷海域系列即时演算画面用这个也喷不到,喷过 ...
原帖由 Gskyace 于 2011-12-12 11:15 发表 Alan wake宣传和实际区别?
原帖由 levelup888 于 2011-12-12 11:26 发表 一边买神机,一边玩神机,一边喷神机,这他妈不典型的犯贱吗......LZ绝壁奇葩一朵啊,直追当年的爱你一棒槌。不过LZ好在为了喷神机提前买了,棒槌则是被人艹烂了菊花才不得不去熊本动物园买的神机,还白搭上三个PSNI ...
原帖由 norainu 于 2011-12-12 11:41 发表 就冲那锯齿就知道不是即时。。。 搞不清LZ的逻辑。。。。难道说LZ认为深海之所以得画面奖是因为用8只p3播片造假。。。
原帖由 levelup888 于 2011-12-12 11:38 发表 那也是有TNT嘴炮博士的珠玉在前啊,所以说您老这湾湾也不遑多让,一对儿活宝。
In GOW3 all the cutscenes are created using our in-game engine, however some scenes were just too epic to run real time and thus are recorded videos."
原帖由 NOKIA_N9 于 2011-12-13 09:31 发表 出处是这里啊,别断章取义看后半句了,丢人啊,前半句已经暴露信息来源的错误了,居然说所有过场都是in-engine渲染,笑抽了,事实是不少过场都是in-game。
Velazquez later stated "When I mentioned that GOW3 has no CG, I was referring to the fact that we do not have pre-rendered scenes that were created outside of the game engine, like GOW 1 and 2. In GOW3 all the cutscenes are created using our in-game engine, however some scenes were just too epic to run real time and thus are recorded videos."