原帖由 leon2510 于 2011-9-22 15:57 发表 之前传闻机器3 是960*540 2AA 等B3D看看到底是多少
原帖由 leon2510 于 2011-9-22 16:07 发表 之前是在游侠看到的什么测试战争机器3 DEMO 是960*540 2AA 还有 抵抗3 传闻是960*704 脑补你妹
In common with the vast majority of UE3 titles there's a native 720p resolution with no anti-aliasing
Perhaps inevitably, there is a trade-off in the implementation of all these new effects. In the Battle: Los Angeles playable demo, we see that native resolution has dropped significantly, down from the 1280x704 of Resistance 2 to a mere 960x704 - a 25 per cent drop - and nothing from the much more recent preview code suggests that this has changed, suggesting it's a lock.