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SCE全球游戏开发制作公司总裁Phil Harrison近日向爱好者们解释了上周的宣布。Harrison提出的这次硬件缩水的原因:“我们的考虑主要是为欧洲带去最新的硬件规范,虽然这意味着刚开始某些PS2组件的略微精简。但需要注意的是:PS3发售时仍然可以支持数千款PS和PS2游戏。我们正在制作网站页面说明PS3向后兼容的具体PS2游戏详情。我们还会升级固件支持更多游戏。”



他说:“我认为玩家购买PS3的原因是为了游戏和电影提供的HD内容体验,访问PlayStation Network,以及《MotorStorm》、《Resistance: Fall of Man》等新一代游戏的典范。”

http://www.gamespot.com/news/616 ... ag=newstop;title;15

Phil Harrison gives figures for PS3 BC
Sony Worldwide boss says that software emulation will mean more than 1,000 PS2 games will be playable on PS3s on EU launch day, says people are "overreacting."
By Emma Boyes, GameSpot UK
Posted Mar 1, 2007 3:44 am PT
Last week Sony announced that the PlayStation 3 consoles sold at the European and Australasian launches would feature a different hardware specification than the models previously released in Japan and the US.

It later confirmed that this difference would be the removal of the Emotion Engine--the name given to the PlayStation 2 chipset--and that it would be concentrating on next-gen games for the console. This announcement led to intense speculation about the level of backward compatibility available on the new model PS3s, and Sony's admission that it would be "limited" gave rise to concerns that a wide range of PS2 games wouldn't therefore be playable on the new console.

Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison has now given out numbers--he told semiofficial blog Three Speech that more than 1,000 PS2 games will be playable on the new models at launch, with further updates over time adding more to the list.

He told the blog, "Our thinking involves being able to bring the latest hardware specification of the PS3 to Europe, although that does mean an initial slight reduction in the number of PS2 components. But it's important to put that into context: there will still be thousands of PlayStation and PS2 titles playable on the PS3 at launch. It's very easy to over-react."

The full list of compatible games will go live on a Web site on the same day as the PS3 launch, and Harrison refused to be drawn on which titles this would be likely to include. However, he did confirm that the company would be concentrating on "big" titles.

Harrison also confirmed that cost was one of the main reasons for the removal of the Emotion Engine. He laughed off comments that the engine "can't possibly cost you more than a few pence to manufacture" by saying "if only that was the case."

Harrison did not mention whether the US and Japanese models would now also be manufactured without the Emotion Engine.

[ 本帖最后由 里奥.费迪南德 于 2007-3-2 13:47 编辑 ]







