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支持4K/120hz 的功放吃瘪了

posted by wap, platform: Chrome
由于松下提供的芯片缺陷,新的支持HDMI2.1的功放集体吃瘪,4K/120hz 和8k模式会黑屏,包括天龙/马兰士(已官方确认),雅马哈,大法和安桥。目前还没有解决方案,可能永远都不会有。目前要么通过ARC/eARC回传,要么4K/60hz。

Sound United's official, unedited response to me and their customers about this issue below:
Some new gaming source devices that support 4K/120Hz output may not work fully with Denon (or Marantz) 8K AVRs. You may discover this incompatibility issue due to a HDMI chipset mismatch between the devices. When the affected system is connected to the AVR via 8K HDMI input and set to output at 4K/120Hz, and the AVR’s 4K Signal Format option is set to “8K Enhanced,” you may not see the system’s source video on their display, and may not hear the system’s source audio processed through the AVR. This problem is only present when a display that supports 4K/120Hz is used.

We are currently investigating the issue further and will offer a permanent solution at a later date. Meanwhile, we would like to provide a couple workarounds to prevent the issue in its current state:

You can connect the system to the display directly via HDMI and use the display’s ARC/eARC functionality to feed the native audio back to the AVR using the connected HDMI cable between the AVR and display. This will allow users to decode the native audio format sent from the source. With this method, the display’s CEC/ARC option must be enabled as well as the AVR’s HDMI Control and/or the AVR’s ARC option. In the AVR, this option is located within the GUI under “Video – HDMI Setup.”

Another workaround is to leave or change the source’s video output to 4K/60Hz instead of 4K/120Hz until a permanent solution is available. This will ensure reliable communication between the source, the AVR and the display. The source’s default is set to output at 4K/60Hz, so if no change was initiated out of the box, then nothing further needs to be done.

We apologize for this inconvenience and we are currently working tirelessly to release a permanent solution so you can enjoy the 4K/120Hz experience using the latest sources with your AVR. We will have an update soon regarding the timeline of a permanent solution. We appreciate your patience.

本帖最后由 turnlive 于 2020-10-25 16:31 通过手机版编辑


posted by wap, platform: iPhone
原帖由 @Lucifer6E  于 2020-10-25 23:33 发表
We are currently investigating the issue further and will offer a permanent solution at a later date.

