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FABLE 普通版免费升级为限定版?

Microsoft will email your missing Fable 2 DLC codes
从 Joystiq 作者:Randy Nelson

Filed under: Microsoft Xbox 360, Action, Adventure, RPGs
As we reported the day of its launch, some many copies of the Fable 2 Limited Collector's Edition were shipped without their precious DLC voucher card, which, among other goodies, let players unlock "Hal's Armor." Microsoft initially told purchasers who found themselves sans-card to call the company's 800 support line; it now has a support page from which anyone with a valid Windows Live ID can request the codes via email.

In order to obtain the codes, you must visit this Fable 2 support link and be logged in with your Live ID. Only one set of codes will be issued per valid email address and MS says to expect their arrival within five days of submitting a request. This all means, of course, that anyone can now obtain the "exclusive" DLC ... and yet another piece of the LE's uniqueness gets stripped away, this time post-launch.



限定版买的亏大了。。。赠品缩水先不说了。。结果连DLC都变的人人有份了。。 T T

