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6.20游戏破解工具PRXdecrypter 2.4发布!


在众多PSP黑客如DA,Yosihiro等退出PSP破解后,谁来接替这些达人的工作,一个叫jas0nuk开始站了出来。并发布了6.20游戏破解工具PRXdecrypter 2.4。


这里是PRXdecrypter 2.4 - 一个小更新,所有的6.20的KEY由bbtgp提供,许多人花了很多时间来转换它们,而我只花了10分钟便更新我的源代码。

同索尼作战,并跟他们不断做斗争等等,看到了很多戏剧性的事件,并看到了很多出色的人才和能力,如伟大的Dark_AleX,取得了一些真正的胜利。但在破解届过去几个月看到了以下的情景,自制程序及开发者的活跃的人数明显下降。考虑到这一点,我觉得这一定很值得让你们觉得有些人依然存在。我卖我的最后一个psp的,我的第一个银色psp2000 - 它依然工作的很好。



原文链接:http://www.maxconsole.net/showth ... o-6.20%29-some-news

Here is PRXdecrypter 2.4 - a minor update, with all the keys up to 6.20 courtesy of bbtgp, who spent many hours reversing to get them, whereas I just spent 10 minutes updating my source code.

It's been 4 years since I first entered the PSP scene, and those 4years were a privilege to be part of. A lot has changed since the daysof kxploit. We've had a lot of fun battling Sony back and forth withtheir constant diversion and obfuscation tactics, watched a lot ofdrama unfold over some quite petty incidents, and seen some realtriumphs of talent and ability from great minds such as Dark_AleX, butthe past few months have seen a steady and obvious decline in thenumber of people following the scene and the number of developers stillactive. With this in mind, I thought it'd be worth letting those of youwho are still around that I have sold my last remaining PSP, my silverfirst gen PSP 2000 - it served me well.

I am still interested in the scene and will continue to updatePRXdecrypter and PSPident as long as there is still a demand for them(please reply to this thread if you still want to see these appsupdated). However, if/when the time comes where they require a majorrewrite, which would obviously be impossible for me to do without aPSP, I will clean up and release the source code.

For anyone wondering why I did this: partly because I don't see animminent recovery in the PSP scene soon, partly because the hardware isoutdated (and has been for a while), partly because it has been sittingin my drawer for months doing nothing, and a tiny bit because I wantedto free up some cash to buy a Nexus One (a quite amazing phone, ifanyone is looking at buying one).

Many thanks.





