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[新闻] 微软Aaron Greenberg开喷:我为Ps3的GTA4用户感到遗憾/对手只是索尼的“承诺”

However, as you noted, I do feel bad for the PS3 owners who have not been able to experience the multiplayer component of the game, we realize that those guys are gamers just like the rest of us and not being able to get online and play with your friends sucks. It is kind of funny because we have been asked by a number of partners if there was a way we would license Xbox LIVE to other platforms to ensure a great online experience in every game.
Ps3玩家无法顺利体验游戏的网上多人部分,这太糟糕了。而且搞笑的是,不少合作伙伴要求我们把Xbox Live授权给其他平台,以保证online部分顺畅无阻

Greenberg: I know a lot of folks enjoy watching the console wars and we would never underestimate our competition. But answer to your question specifically, didn’t Sony promise all of this last year including Home as well? We have been fighting Sony’s promises from the day we entered the market and if you remember at that time it was all about PS2 being an online cybercity with partner announcements from the likes of RealNetworks and AOL. Then three years ago at E3 they showed what PS3 games would supposedly look like with the Killzone 2 video, that we are now learning will ship four years later. That means that we will have shipped Gears of War and Gears of War 2 before they can even get Killzone out the door. Think back to GDC 2007 when Sony promised to leap ahead in online with the Sony Home unveil. Here we are two years later and multiple delays for a product that has appears to have little to no buzz. Where are the achievements? The friends list integration across all games? Where is the long-promised video store? Where are all the other products using and networking with their CELL chip? How come Blu-ray did not result in better games? What happened with Sixaxis and rumble? Where is the complete 1080p game library we were promised? If Blu-ray as they said would be such a catalyst to PS3 console sales, then why have PS3 sales over the past couple months not seen any lift since the format victory?

The reality is that Xbox 360 is leading this generation with a larger installed base, more than 2xs the games library, the most exclusives along with the leading online service and community. While we have not yet announced all of our plans for the full year, I am confident that we will extend our lead over the PS3 in 2008. Today Xbox 360 has a 5-million-unit console sales lead on a global basis based on most recently public reported data from both companies. This includes more than double the installed base in the US according to actual NPD sell-through and over a 1-million-unit lead across Europe also based on reported sell-through from Chart Track and GfK.

The days of Sony snowing the consumers and the press are over, I think the pressure is now really on them more than ever to deliver on all of these promises.

从我们进入游戏市场开始,我们就在跟索尼的承诺作战,从Ps2开始,对方就叫嚣着Ps2会成为online cybercity. 还记得3年前的E3吗?Ps3的游戏应该跟KZ2的播片看起来一样好,只不过呢,KZ2要在4年后才能上市了。也就是说,在这之前,我们都发售了两款战争机器了。想想,GDC07的时候的神鸡宅,多次延期之后索性没影子了。成就在哪里?通用的好友名单在哪里?承诺已久的视频商店呢?那sixasix和震动又是怎么回事?其他用到cell的产品和网络功能又在哪里?蓝光装游戏的优势呢?真1080P的游戏在哪里?蓝光真的能决定胜负,为什么格式战争结束,PS3没有海啸?






原帖由 刃心 于 2008-5-9 15:31 发表


ps2销量大不大,有没有新旧型号更替,难道ps2有过几个月全球销量垫底?ms果然不需要承诺,三红饭会自动脑内补完马上找出理由安慰自已,这还要什么 ...



