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任天堂知道最近 Wii U 破解的发言, 相信系统仍然安全

http://nintendoeverything.com/12 ... em-is-still-secure/

任天堂知道最近 Wii U 破解 的发言, 相信系统仍然安全

Nintendo aware of recent Wii U hack claims, believes system is still secure
April 30th, 2013 Posted in News, Posted by Valay, Wii U | No Comments »

News surfaced earlier today that the group “Wiikey” managed to hack into the Wii U system. Other than the ability to copy games, no major functionality was publicized – meaning you still can’t run homebrew, play titles from other regions, or use in-game cheats.

早前有消息传出 "Wiikey" 去破解 Wii U 系统. 除了有能力去备份, 但无提及主要的功能 – 即是你仍然不能执行自制软件, 玩其他分区的游戏或游戏的"改造数据"

Rest assured that Nintendo is aware of the situation. However, the company still believes that the Wii U is in a stable position.

In a statement sent to Eurogamer, Nintendo said:

“Nintendo is aware that a hacking group claims to have compromised Wii U security. However, we have no reports of illegal Wii U games nor unauthorized applications playable on the system while in Wii U mode. Nintendo continuously monitors all threats to its products’ security and will use technology and will take the necessary legal steps to prevent the facilitation of piracy.”

"任天堂留意到一个破解小组已宣告危及 Wii U 系统的安全. 但是, 我们没有报告出非法的 Wii U 游戏及没被授权的应用程式, 能成功执行在 Wii U 模式.
任天堂将继续监察所有威胁到它的产品系统安全. 及会用技术及将会执行有需要的法律程序, 去防止盗 . 版的推行"

