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[新闻] zt:《星际争霸2》要停了?

Sent: 22/03/2008  

From: Michael Morhaime  
To: Blizzard PR; Blizzard Dev; WWi08; Founders Group;  
CC: Rod A. Rigole; Paul Maglione; Bobby Kotick; Bruce Hack; Frank Pearce; Rob  
Pardo; Jeffrey Kaplan;   

Dear All.  
As many of you are already aware, last night we have decided to pull the plug on  
StarCraft 2.  
In this letter, I’d like to share with you all exactly how and why this decisin was made.  
We are well aware that many of you will not take this decision lightly, especially  
considering the bitter aftertaste of StarCraft Ghost, and the disproportional resources  
dedicated to the WarCraft franchise.  
Prior to making this decision, I have personally sat down with Sales and Marketing, QA  
personnel, developers and artists, progamers and a few community managers. None have  
provided an answer which could support a different decision. Not a single person was  
able to justify StarCraft 2‘s existence.

World of WarCraft is our 800 lb gorilla.  
No MMORPG, RTS or FPS game can leave anything more than a dent in Blizzard!s  
subscriber count. Every single person that reads this letter has a family that benefits from  
World of WarCraft’s existenc and its utter dominance as the most commercially  
successful game of all time.  
The only thing that can hurt World of WarCraft‘s subscriber base, is another Blizard  
game. We do not expect any other company in the world to be able to subtract as much as  
300,000 subscribers from WoW‘s numbers.

How much will StarCraft 2’s release cost Blizzard Entertainment?
The safest estimates are around 5% of World of WarCraft’s subscriber bas.   
500,000 users will leave World of Warcraft, taking $90,000,000 worth of yearly  
subscriber fees with them.  

Do we believe StarCraft 2 would have been successful? Yes.   
But only as long as we are looking at the small picture.  

My responsibilities towards Activision, Vivendi, shareholders and Blizzard‘s own
employees and their families, prevented me from taking any other course.  

My door is always open.  

Best regards,  
Michael Morhaime   
Blizzard Entertainment

但是我个人是绝对不相信的,如果Cancel的主要原因是对WOW的冲击的话,那么这个问题早在SC2立项之前就存在。为什么那个时候不作为主要原因直接毙掉SC2的开发计划?反而是现在到了整个游戏已经接近Beta Quality的时候才拿出来讲,之前开发投入岂不是直接打水漂?
再说WOW和SC2的用户群重叠性并不大,而二者定位决定了SC2对WOW的冲击是有限的。比如:职业和半职业的SC & War3 Gamer中全力WoW的不多,而且对于我这样的玩家来说,同时SC2和WoW也并不是太大的问题。你总不能要求所有的人每天Raid或者JJC吧。间歇时间打打SC2显然是可行的。而RTS是不可能像WOW这样连续打的,因为太容易疲劳。也就是说SC2推出对BLZ收入带来的增长应该是大于对WOW用户冲击的。

[ 本帖最后由 BD 于 2008-3-28 12:41 编辑 ]

