Before the launch of the PS3 and Wii, many speculated Microsoft would benefit from the expected shortages. The theory went that consumers, frustrated by their inability to find a new Nintendo or Sony system, would pick up an Xbox 360 for loved ones. Now, though, analysts aren't sure that is happening. "The kicker for Microsoft is going to be the psychology of scarcity in a seasonal environment where people need to make a decision," he said. "It appears, based on these numbers, that they might be buying handheld systems instead."
原帖由 muranus 于 2006-12-9 09:20 发表 开玩笑,到11月底,X360美国销量就达到379万(IGN)/380万(Next-gen.biz),北美应该在420万台以上(推测)。 http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/749/749856p1.html NPD's numbers show that 3.79 mi ...