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[新闻] 随着WCG官方宣布取消PC项目,是不是也宣布了国内PC类电竞的死亡?



[ 本帖最后由 jump 于 2012-3-28 13:45 编辑 ]


原帖由 111xxx 于 2012-3-27 18:04 发表
posted by wap, platform: UC





In an effort to verify the accuracy of the claims above, we contacted WCG's representatives in Australia, TLS. Chris 'r0cky' Hailes confirmed to us that the letter was indeed accurate, however Chris declined to comment on the situation itself - beyond confirming its legitimacy.

I asked Junglist what he thought of the situation - our venerable 5 Inch Floppy host follows the Esports scene much closer than I - and he had this to say,

WCG was known as the definitive eSports event. The equivalent of the Olympics. But it has been surpassed in prestige in the last few years - due to some bad decisions, and because a yearly event can't sate the growing global appetite for eSports.

But it's still odd to see them throw away such a longstanding following, at a time when cheap streaming tech has energised eSports to massive growth. Moving to mobiles seems at odds with the huge advancements made in presenting the sport, and probably serves Samsung's interests more than eSports'. A serious gaming competition without core titles (with deep gameplay) is a contradiction in terms.

Still, elements of this move presented themselves last year - the biggest prize pool for the WCG Grand Finals last year was for Asphalt 6, offering up $15,000(USD) more for first place than Counter-Strike or League of Legends, and twice what StarCraft 2 was offering.

We will continue to attempt to verify this story with international elements of the WCG organisation, and when we receive an official statement from the organisation we will let you know. What do you think of this development?

