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其实全世界的玩家都很蛋疼...^ ^

下面就是这里noob翻译的关于SDF给bioshock不及格分数的前十楼的回复,喷得一样够狠...^ ^




bling_singh Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 7:53 am
If you honestly think the game is that poor you need to have your eyes and your head checked.

This site hosts the largest collection of retarded fanboys, regardless of camp, ever. You’re doing a disservice to PS fans and product.



Solid Pimp Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 7:54 am
Great review. I’ve only played the demo but agree it’s not so great. I’m buying the game when it’s finally released to reassure myself it’s not as

good as everyone says it is.



scottcr Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 8:13 am

Wizpig Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 8:47 am
This site isn’t only a ****ing abomination talking about the Playstation content itself [yes, you suck even at that, your Sony news are worthless, with

poor content and bad written] but now you start to make fake reviews about other consoles… jesus christ, this retarded site can’t get any worse. I’

m not gonna say “Get a life”, that would be too nice, just kill yourself and free the world from another retarded Sony fanboy.

Greetings and **** yourself ~
我不会说”Get a life“,那对你来说太慈祥了,你还是自杀来清静一下那SF的世界吧。

poorme Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 8:57 am

The only reason of your disappointment is that the game is not on PS3.

You’d better see a ophthalmologist before you really become a achromate.

wowyouareautistic Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 8:59 am
Okay , singed up just for this work of art.

First off I would like to say you are severely retarded. Congrats for stealing my tax money you helpless academic disaster of a child.

On to bioshock

PS3 is not getting the game , MS made a deal with 2k games to have the game exclusive to Games for windows and xbox360. And based on the

sales it will recieve on both of those fronts , MS will throw more money their way to secure the exclusive further.

Now on to your review… Im going to have to say it sucks. Bioshock is by far the best single player FPS experiance ever created. This is evident in

the number of reviews that it has recieved giving it 10’s and high 9’s by every site that reviews it.
Sadly , the PS3 lacks games that are worth a shit and wont have games until mid 2008

As for this bullshit website , its pretty disgusting! but based on your logic , it could be even better if the webmaster had it running on a ps3 and

really put effort into working with the cell.

So im going to have to leave now , just wanted to pop in and kick you in the nuts for being so incredibly ****ing retarded

thanks for the fun


IagoTheMad Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 9:07 am
HAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s the most transparently biased review I’ve ever seen. This game is getting a deluge of perfect scores from all over the world

and you gave it a 5/10 because there’s no blue-ray? What are you ****ing insane? How is blue ray going to help??? Really explain this to me… do

you think the artists are all going to go back to the drawing board and re-draw all the textures and models in the whole ****ing game just to chew

up a little more disk space?

Sorry but your retarded, this is just propaganda and I’m insulted you think people are so gullible. The PS3 is an awesome piece of hardware and I

like mine just fine, but the 360 hating is just a disservice to fans.



birk Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 9:07 am
Oh NOES! a 5/10, that ought drag Bioshocks metacritic rating of 99% to… oh wait… that’s right, Sony Defense Force is about as credible as Fox


Oh NOES! 5/10分,那会把metacritic上的分数拉到……慢着……对了,Sony Defense Force(指这个网站)的新闻可靠性跟Fox的有一拼吧!

Bioshock PA Comic and The Best Review Ever at 2OpGaming Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 9:09 am
[…] Source  […]

chipsRgreat Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 9:24 am
Did you even actually play the game?

I am halfway through BioShock and I have not seen an instance of animation hitches or shooting glitches that you supposedly saw. Also, having

the best AI of any game out right now does not mean that it needs to be “cleaned up”. I won’t even go into your whole compression statement.

For some reason I thought this review would be respectable, professional, and at least somewhat unbiased. So much for that.


mrcompletely Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 9:25 am
Hahaha! Biased much ?

you should change the name of this site to Ps3 Fanboy Defense Force, then kill yourself.

你应该把网站名改成“Ps3 Fanboy Defense Force”,然后自杀。

mrcompletely Says:
August 17th, 2007 at 9:27 am
“Great review. I’ve only played the demo but agree it’s not so great. I’m buying the game when it’s finally released to reassure myself it’s not as

good as everyone says it is.”

LOL, you PS3 fanboys are hysterical.

You’re going to buy the game to reassure yourself that it’s NOT good. The comedy.


