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[其他] 北美3主机发售后19个月的游戏销售比较,新增第三厂游戏销售量比较


Running the numbers for 3rd parties:

1st chart - 7.77 million (4.58 million 3rd parties)
2nd chart - 11.61 million (4.87 million 3rd parties)
3rd chart - 32.67 million (19.60 million 3rd parties)

52.05 million total = 29.05 million from 3rd parties total.

Wii 3rd parties = 29.05 million
X360 total = 30 million
PS3 total = 20 million

I garnered these numbers via utilizing the American software figures provided by Nintendo in their quarterly investor relations reports. Subtracted a figure equal to the hardware numbers to remove Wii Sports. This gives me the totals for each quarter minus Wii Sports. I then used the software ratio provided by Nintendo's chart to calculate the total 3rd party sales for each of the 3 chart segments.

Nintendo's investor relations information including the software and hardware sales data per quarter as well as the 1st party vs 3rd party chart can be found here:

