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[其他] 为什么大家会觉得APU弱呢??

原帖由 shiningfire 于 2013-2-12 18:00 发表





  新浪科技讯 北京时间2月12日下午消息,微软娱乐和数字媒体总裁南希·泰勒姆(Nancy Tellem)周一表示,该公司的洛杉矶工作室正在为Xbox Live平台开发互动电视内容,年底前有望推出第一批节目。



  微软最近几年一直在加大互动娱乐领域的开发力度,已经为Xbox Live平台引入了100多家内容合作伙伴。微软互动娱乐业务高级副总裁尤索夫·麦赫迪(Yusuf Mehdi)周一表示,Xbox Live的全球订阅用户总数已经达到4600万。



Kojima giving GDC 2013 talk to show FOX Engine workflow for Ground Zeroes

On the last day of the early registration deadline, Game Developers Conference 2013 organizers have announced a special lecture from Konami's Hideo Kojima, who will publicly show his division's FOX Engine in detail for the first time, via demonstrations of the development process and workflow behind Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes.

Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes is set to be an open-world spin on the Metal Gear saga, built using Kojima Productions' FOX Engine, and targeting Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

In the session entitled Photorealism through the eyes of a Fox - The core of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, he and his staff will share the key components and unique methods used to create the visuals seen in Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes.

Demonstrations during the tech-focused sponsored talk will center around the FOX Engine lighting system, character realism, environmental changes, graphics techniques and explanations, and the FOX Engine tools.

Hideo Kojima, the 2009 Game Developers Choice Awards Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, will take to the stage along with technical director Junji Tago, lighting artist Masayuki Suzuki, and CG art director Hideki Sasaki, as they showcase the FOX Engine's features and workflow to GDC 2013 attendees.




距离 Sony 在 20 号「见证 PlayStation 的未来」发布会还有四天左右,目前我们还未知道 PS 的未来是什么,但最少已经知道它不会是主打硬件,而是全新的游戏方式,相关的传闻亦都四起。日前华尔街日报的线人指 Sony 正在计划通过串流技术去将 PS3 的游戏转播到 PS4 上,提供逆向支持的能力,不过 PS4 上的光驱仍然会保留;而这个串流技术正正有可能是从 Sony 早前花 3.8 亿美金收购的 Gaikai 云端游戏服务公司里取得。另外传闻 Sony 正在开发一个高精确度的镜头去侦测玩家的动作,一个备有触控板和双重震动的新控制器也在清单之中。串流高质素画面游戏的成本可能高昂,未知这对 Sony 游戏产品的定价会不会有影响呢。


Sony Moves a Step Closer to Game Vision

More than a decade ago, the Sony executive credited as the "Father of the PlayStation" predicted that one day videogames wouldn't require a console, because the hardware would eventually "melt" into a network that linked players together. All they would need, Ken Kutaragi said, is a display and a controller.

As Sony prepares to take the wraps off a new home console, it will take one major step closer to that vision. The Japanese electronics conglomerate's next PlayStation will allow users to play games streamed over the Internet as well as on discs, according to people familiar with Sony's plans.

The new feature is one of many expected on Sony's next game machine, which is slated to be unveiled at an event in New York on Wednesday. But the addition of streaming exemplifies how the videogame industry is searching for new ideas to cope with dramatic shifts in technology and consumer behavior.

So companies have been developing ways to run such software on server systems and stream it over the Internet to customers, an approach sometimes called "cloud gaming." One of them is Gaikai, which was purchased by Sony last July for $380 million. The deal was spearheaded by Sony Chief Executive Kazuo Hirai, a former protégé to Mr. Kutaragi, who no longer plays a day-to-day role at the company.

Since the acquisition, Sony has been investing heavily to prepare Gaikai's technology to enhance its new console, the people familiar with Sony's plans said. Sony has been preparing the technology to be used to allow users to play current PlayStation 3 games on the device, making a broader array of titles available at the outset, these people said. The new device is also expected to play new games stored on optical discs.

But streaming could have implications beyond well-dedicated game machines, potentially allowing Sony's smartphones and televisions to tap into graphics-heavy games they can't play now. Andrew House, head of Sony's videogame unit, said in July that the Gaikai acquisition was a "recognition on Sony's part that the cloud and cloud-streaming technologies are going to have a profound and possibly a very positive impact."

The new PlayStation also will allow players to share achievements on social networks through smoother links to Facebook or Twitter, while also enabling aspects such as sharing footage of game play online through YouTube, people familiar with Sony's plans said. Sony's new console may also allow users to compete against others using different hardware, such as smartphones and other portable devices, those people said.

Microsoft's successor to its current console, the Xbox 360, is expected to arrive before year-end, according to people familiar with the software giant's plans. Like Sony, Microsoft has also used AMD chips in prototypes of its new console, those people said, and it has worked on upgrades for the cameras and other components in its "Kinect" motion controller to better identify, track and hear gamers as they play.

Microsoft, while it has tested cloud gaming, is putting greater emphasis on software that allows the Xbox to interact with mobile devices like Apple's iPad. The company is also planning to create new interactive TV content to be played on its consoles, after opening up a new production studio in Southern California.



原帖由 你老闆 于 2013-2-20 21:18 发表


自2010年起有8個IBM的人加入了微軟,其中4個 ...
A2 CPU?和720什么关系?

