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Project Origin 官方博客!(8月8日)


Finding the Right Target

After the smoke had cleared, dust settled, and all reviews were in, a team was assembled to start work on the next installment of FEAR. One of the main mandates was to address many of the criticisms that befell the progenitor, while continuing to improve upon the objects of praise.

The Good - AI, Chaos of Combat, FX, Mood, Slow-mo, that spooky little girl.
The Bad – Too many small confined office spaces for combat, no console support(well at least at launch), a small overworked and ambitious team
The Ugly – A monochromatic world, worlds that lacked clutter that could be used to accentuate combat, demanding system requirements to see the deep visuals we could create.

Our Core Technology Team (CTT) immediately went to work improving performance, giving the development team new shaders, improved tools and additional functionality to our tech. Some of those efforts manifested themselves as: motionblur, expanded lighting systems, optimized physics routines, better handling of objects and world data…What does all this mean? Well, it meant our palette for creating compelling visuals had just increased, CTT also managed to give us more memory, which being the greedy little bastards that we are, allowed us to add more props, models and fx into the game. Basically, they provided a lot of additional firepower for us to overcome “The Bad” and “The Ugly” and really push “The Good” to new heights.

We were able to create missions that let you run through parts of the decimated city of Auburn. I won’t lie, we also have indoor missions as well, we wouldn’t be a proper sequel without them, but we have taken great care to diversify the areas that you will progress through during the game. I think we’ve done a great job crafting areas that are interesting to look at, and equally important, fight in.

(Left Column are published pics from FEAR, Right are from Project Origin)

Our FX team has cranked everything to eleven. Some examples can be seen in the media section of the Community site.

More FX, More subtle lighting, More space, more, more, more…

We completely overhauled the HUD and Menu systems and have included a PDA to track objectives, log an ongoing journal, and provide a great amount of information about the universe through collectable intelligence items.

Making the HUD feel like it’s an integrated part of the game as opposed to data on screen helps with immersion.

Characters have been designed, revised, redesigned, and revised some more in order to achieve a very specific desired look and response from the player.

Behold the wonders of skin…

We’ve deepened the range of actions (animations and behaviors) the AI are capable of and have given them intelligence to use new and creative ways, deepening our immersive combat. We’ve also improved how NPCs interact with the player.

Oh yeah…and scares….we’ve been working on those too, you’ll have to experience those for yourself.

I feel the work to date on Project Origin has been excellent and its quality shows. Being able to bring up a few screenshots for comparison really solidifies that we have accurately targeted areas that we felt were the important additions to the sequel. Sure, that exhaust port is only 2 meters wide - but damn, we’re hitting it!

