We all know Microsoft won't comment in rumour and speculation but it looks like the publisher is readying a new Halo unveiling for E3 in a few weeks. But will it feature everyone's favourite Chief? Not so, a source tells CVG. According to a rumour on Sarcastic Gamer, the fourth instalment is already in development: "A very good and anonymous source tells us that Halo 4 is already in full development over at Bungie." Unfortunately there was no further info available on the franchise's movements. Advertisement: But we've done a little digging of our own and reckon a new Halo game could be revealed at this year's E3. Whether or not it'll be the Peter Jackson project or the previously rumoured third-person prequel, remains to be seen. Believe us we've tried poking, threatening, starving and even tickling to find out more. But nothing... At the end of May we revealed that, even though most of Microsoft's E3 line-up had been blown all over the internet, there were still two unknown announcements. "According to well placed sources close to Microsoft, the publisher has two more 'big' Xbox 360 games to be revealed for its 2008 line-up." We're now certain that a new Halo title is going to be one of them. Speculate below. In other Halo news it's been revealed that the new Cold Storage multiplayer map for Halo 3 will be available FOR FREE from July 7 on Xbox Live Marketplace. Result!
原帖由 westlost 于 2008-7-6 00:06 发表 另外一个是啥惊喜?
原帖由 Virtue 于 2008-7-7 14:00 发表 蓝蓝如此捧HALO3 我泪留满面... 恐龙你就别计较哪个画面好了 自己喜欢哪个就是 而且讨论到这样 跑题跑的太远了.... HALO3的画面确实是很有技术力..最关键的一点就是场景够大 敌人够多 而且AI高 帧数足 哪些 ...
原帖由 RestlessDream 于 2008-7-7 15:57 发表 halo 前传没悬念啊。halo4的提法不对,应该叫 halo 0,Halo Zero
原帖由 wants 于 2008-7-7 19:46 发表 害马之群:D