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[新闻] 新型PS3代号“Slim” 秋季上市? Rumor:PSthree推出并不奇怪!


PS系列主机历来都会推出体积缩减版已经成了惯例,从PS 到 PSone,再从PS2 到 PSTwo,以此推测PS3推出“减肥”版本是早晚的事。

    近日,来自国外网站T3.com的消息显示,改良版PS3—— Slim PS3 将会在今年秋季上市。据T3.com透露,这则消息是来自索尼内部相关人士,并同时还公开了相关概念图片。从图中来看,Slim PS3 确实比现在的PS3轻、薄许多。目前还不能肯定这则消息的准确性。


Rumor:Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas推出的时候,PStwo一齐推出!GTA4推出的时候,PSthree一齐推出也并不奇怪!

Four years after its release, Sony lauched a new, slimmer PlayStation 2 (also known unofficially as the "PStwo") for the launch of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Although we expect Sony to do something similar with the PlayStation 3, no one would have thought that such redesign could arrive so soon. T3 Magazine claims it has learned from an insider that Sony is working on a a slimmer PS3:

According to a particularly well-informed insider, it seems that the Big S is prepping an all new PlayStation 3. The new incarnation is supposedly slimmer, lighter weight, and sexy as hell.

The british magazine even has conceptual renders of what would such PlayStation 3 model would look like.

If Sony redesigns the PlayStation 3 and makes it slimmer and lighter, do you think Microsoft should do the same with the Xbox 360?
[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2008-2-2 13:10 编辑 ]

