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作者:爱你一棒锤原文:http://www.egchina.com/bbs/dispb ... mp;star=6&skin=





记者在采访中提到了微软的Xbox 360以及它能够通过Live网络随时随地与PC完美结合的能力,对这一点,菲尔·哈里森表示:“我不在乎这种(Xbox 360与PC相连的功能)功能,我想玩家也不会关心这种能力。当你购买一台游戏主机时,你需要的是一台以娱乐功能为主的设备。我们认为PS3就是这样一种设备。”他还强调PS3拥有足够强大的运算能力和广泛的功能性,完全可以代替使用Windows操作系统的传统PC供家庭使用,“玩家们将通过PS3玩游戏、看电影、上网或使用其他家庭日常所需的计算机功能。PS3就是一台计算机,我们不再需要PC。”


[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:27 编辑 ]



上周,sony全球副总裁Phil Harrison由于暗示ps3可以代替家中的pc而掀起轩然大波。

今天SCE总裁久多良木健再次重申了这个观点。在接受日本网站PC Impress Watch采访





Last week, Sony Worldwide Studios president Phil Harrison caused a semi-furor by insinuating the PlayStation 3 could replace the PC in the home. While his comments were mainly directed at the console's entertainment and multimedia capabilities, Sony has long said that the PS3 will have some PC-like functions.

That line was repeated again today by Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi. Speaking with Japanese site PC Impress Watch, the executive defended the PS3's high $499/$599 price points by saying it was not just another console. "Unlike previous PlayStations, it is clearly a computer," he said according to a GameSpot translation.

Kutaragi went on to talk about the need to be able to expand the PS3's technical functions, just like one would with a PC. "Because the PS3 is a computer, we need to do more than just lower the costs, but the console must be able to evolve," he said. He said one of the first tasks at hand would be to introduce a hard-disk drive with higher capacity that the currently scheduled 20GB and 60GB models.

Kutaragi even raised the prospect that, further down the road, Sony might release a PS3 peripheral that could burn Blu-ray discs, the company's high-capacity successor to DVD. "We might want to add a BD drive, a writable drive," he said before quickly reversing himself. "Well, maybe not BD."

Kutaragi also said that, other than the PS3's current read-only Blu-ray drive, the main reason for the console's high cost was the built-in HDD. "For a game console, to add a hard drive puts pressure on cost," he said. "Unlike a semiconductor chip, HDD cannot help lower the cost of the product. ... As a game console, the price has to, over time, be reduced to the 100 dollar range, but that is hard to do with an HDD. ... That [is why] PS3 pricing is not conforming to conventional pricing for a game console."

Meanwhile, Kutaragi's boss, Sony CEO Sir Howard Stringer, had a few choice words to say about one of the PS3's rivals, the Xbox 360. Actually, it was more like one choice word. During an on-stage Q&A at last week's D: All Things Digital conference, which is organized by the Wall Street Journal, he was asked about the mixed critical reception of Sony Pictures' blockbuster film The Da Vinci Code. He misspoke when responding, saying "Xbox 3" instead of "X-Men 3," prompting laughter from the audience. The Welshman then joked, "There's an obsession!"

Stringer recovered quickly, talking up the PS3 in no uncertain terms. "It's got more bells and whistles than a 747," he boasted. "That Cell processor is extraordinarily powerful and you have nine hours of high definition on the Blu-ray disks alone. ... The reason it's expensive [is that] instead of concentrating on just the games player, which would have been done in the past, PlayStation 3 is designed to go somewhere else, where it's the center of the living room

[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:05 编辑 ]


Sony Computer Entertainment America executive VP and co-COO Jack Tretton says a potential 6 to 10 million unit lead for the Xbox 360 isn't "a significant advantage or a significant disadvantage as far as we're concerned."
  Tretton told TheStreet.com, "At the end of the day, what you do in the first year, and whether you do 6 or 10 million units does not determine whether you're successful or not. We're looking to sell 100 million-plus worldwide. We're looking to sell 50 million plus in North America."

Microsoft has announced that it expects to sell 10 million Xbox 360 units by the time the PlayStation 3 hits shelves in November.

During the course of the interview, Tretton made sure to get a couple straight jabs in on Sony's competitor.

"I think most companies, if they'd lost the billions that Microsoft has lost on the Xbox, would question whether or not they belong in the business," he said. "Obviously, they have a different standard of success."

Tretton also stated that the fact that Grand Theft Auto IV will be multi-platform from the get-go will not affect Sony at all. He stressed that it will be the first-party software that makes the difference.

"...I can guarantee you that Sony Computer Entertainment's first-party software far and away outsold Microsoft's first-party software," Tretton said.
http://next-gen.biz/index.php?op ... d=3277&Itemid=2


[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:06 编辑 ]









Sony boss: Microsoft copies everything we do

6/28/2006 11:42:58 AM, by Jeremy Reimer

Friendly banter between competing corporate executives is nothing new. Sometimes, however, it starts to spiral out of control, and takes on a life of its own. In the days of the Super Nintendo Entertainment system, disagreements (both public and private) between Nintendo and Sony over the licensing of the planned CD-ROM addon for the SNES caused Sony to strike out on their own and create the PlayStation, effectively ending Nintendo's dominance of the video game arena.

These days, however, the big battle of words is between Sony and Microsoft. This was evidenced by recent statements from Kaz Hirai, president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA), in an interview with PlayStation Magazine. With the Xbox 360 recovering from an awkward launch last November—apparently reaching the company's goal of five million units sold so far—combined with the lukewarm reaction over the PlayStation 3's announced price, Sony apparently feels that the time has come to launch a few new salvoes in the war of words. Hirai was asked if Sony and Microsoft seemed to be taking similar paths:

"We seem to. Every time we go down a path, we look behind and they're right there - we just can't shake these guys. I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do. If you look at their strategy in other business areas as well, they tend to do that."

Of course, such comments conveniently ignore the fact that Sony itself was a latecomer to the video game console business, not to mention the whole issue of Sony developing an Xbox Live competitor for the PS3, but all's fair in love and marketing wars. The jab at Microsoft's other businesses seems a bit odd, given the fact that Sony continues to ship large quantities of their VAIO laptops and desktops, all bundled with Microsoft Windows.

这番言论不用说忘了索尼自己也是家用主机业的后来者,更别说索尼正在为PS3开发类似于Xbox Live的网络服务平台。而有关微软在其他业务领域的说辞更是奇谈怪论,要知道索尼自己的VAIO笔记本和台式机一直都在大量出货,都是预装了Microsoft Windows系统的呢。

The conversation got even stranger when the topic veered to Microsoft's HD DVD add-on for the Xbox 360. Hirai blasted Microsoft for their strategy on next-gen optical drives:

"And the other thing is, you take a look at, for example, the fact that we incorporate the Blu-ray drive from day one. You're not going to be asking me, 'So, talk to me about this Blu-ray add-on that you have. Does it work for games? Is it just for movies?' That's exactly the kind of pitfall you fall into if you launch something that's too early, too premature..."

This sort of question could well be asked about the built-in Blu-ray drive on the PS3. Was it really necessary for games, given that most games do not currently fill out a dual-layer DVD? Or was it merely a way to put millions of Blu-ray drives in consumer households to boost sales of high-definition movies? Should Sony have made the Blu-ray drive optional? Until the PS3 is released and we can all judge for ourselves, this debate is far from over.

[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:06 编辑 ]


HAHAH Sony?? What HAVE you done??!
OMFG. I knew something like this would happen sooner or later. Sony's death is neigh. Part of me wants to believe its true, actually most of me. But then theres small part that wishes this werent true.

And even though nothing was confirmed, They way ActionMan put everything together it just fell in place perfectly with everything Sony has done. This is crazy.

About to post a RUMOR!
Nothing posted below can be confirmed.

Action Man - Sony is having a hard time as of late with some old allies, mainly due to their dealings with the PSP
Action Man - Do you remember the preliminary Sony PSP release lists they released way back at TGS 2k4?
Action Man - It had wonderfull games on em like Devil may cry
Action Man - Shin Megami Tensei
Action Man - King of Fighters Maximum Impact
Action Man - Gran Turisimo 4 Mobile etcetera
Action Man - Those games shouldnt have been on those lists because the developers never intended to release those games for PSP
Action Man - If you'll recall, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan were the ones who announced DMC for the PSP, not Capcom.
Action Man - Sony however because of lack of high profile third party development for PSP put them on the release lists anyway and then started to strongarm the publishers to actually make those games
Action Man - Sony failed big time
Action Man - They outright lied with the PSP to show it had more support then it really had
Action Man - and that they arent able to do the same with PS3 now because people are catching up to their previous lies
Action Man - they anounced a **bleep**load of games that the devs themselves didnt even wanna make
Action Man - GT4 mobile
Action Man - same **bleep**
Action Man - they streamed PS2 footage on a PSP screen for that

Action Man - A double embaresment not only because the likes of Capcom, Atlus etcetera refused to be blackmailed into making those games
Action Man - But more so because even a Sony first party developer put it on the backburner(Polyphony with GT4 Mobile)

Action Man - Now Sony is planning to do the same for their next PS3 showing but the publishers are refusing to play along
Action Man - Sony has been begging em to anounce certain franchises and new IP, even if they are not working on em
Action Man - They have tried to convince them to make CG trailers claiming to be games in development
Action Man - Yet the Devs are not playing along this time

Major Tom - you have this on good authority?
Action Man - yah
Action Man - devs themselves

Major Tom - any franchises we know of?
Action Man - no comment
Action Man - some big **bleep**
Action Man - and big devs

Major Tom - sounds like they were trying to prep for tgs
Action Man - more like their summer show and leipzig games con and then TGS
Action Man - but yeah
Action Man - its looking grimmer then expected
Action Man - way things stand now
Action Man - with the games being prepared for release up until april
Action Man - MS will blow them away in quality, quantity
Action Man - as well as graphics
Action Man - thats why they wanted devs and publishers to show target **bleep** claiming its games in development so people will say
Action Man - hey the x360 killer stuff is coming
Action Man - but they dont want that
Action Man - because they dont even know if they want to make those games for PS3 AND it would cut into the sales of the early games they have for next gen systems because people might figure to wait for the anounced games instead of buying what will be available shortly
Major Tom - sony is getting smacked down by japanese devs it seems
Action Man - yup

Major Tom - Sony expects publishers to shell out money to produce CG movies of games that havent been signed?
Action Man - they offered to ofset that by deducting that from the liscensing costs if the games get made and come to market
Major Tom - wow
Action Man - in effect helping em to develop CG and make sure that the games would come to market
Action Man - they did the same before
Major Tom - i see
Action Man - They are sponsoring MGS4 for instance since they know the importance of that title
Action Man - Its nothing they havent done before
Action Man - They funded the killzone PS3 CG show and were commited to fund it even before they aquired Guerrilla outright
Action Man - same with second party stuff like Motorstorm
Action Man - that CG presentation which they claimed it was ALL GAMEPLAY was paid for with Sony money as well
Action Man - and as it is
Action Man - even the entire development of games like Heavenly Sword and Motorstorm despite not being first party games is entirely funded by Sony
Action Man - same with some PSP commissions they have going

Major Tom - and the CG movie is the initial hook?
Major Tom - the offer to have it made is the way they are approaching devs?
Action Man - Exactly
Action Man - they need to because very few companies seem willing to invest the 20 million+ needed to push the PS3 system to x360 or past x360 levels

Major Tom - that is really pathetic
Action Man - they need it

Major Tom - then again look at the only real ps3 gameplay that has been shown
Major Tom - it is awful
Action Man - they need killer software, real or otherwise,to push installed base of PS3 past x360 in the first few years
Action Man - in order to get the installed base of blu ray players high enough so they can kill of HD DVD and kickstart the new format
Action Man - third parties are wary after previous Sony promises never panned out
Action Man - Current PS3 is a lot weaker then the killer box Sony told em to wait for 3 years ago
Major Tom - wow
Action Man - Their first party software alone is not enough
Action Man - that has been proven by the PSP
Major Tom - one thing, are big devs turning Sony down?
Action Man - yes
Major Tom - on their CG offers?
Action Man - just check Ubisoft's recent public comment about the PS3 needing a pricedrop in 2007, that comment wasn't as innocuous as some might think.
Action Man - EA is doing the same in private
Action Man - and even Square/Enix has threatened to take Dragonquest elsewhere and threatened by making FFXIII core games multiplatform if they are unhappy with PS3 performance
Major Tom - holy crap
Major Tom - you arent bull**bleep**ting are you?
Action Man - Nope
Action Man - meanwhile
Action Man - Companies like Rockstar and Ubisoft are angry about Sony's unwillingnes to pay for timed exclusives to the extent they used to while Sony has aided Sega of all companies to the tune of several million dollars to get games like VF5 exclusively
Action Man - This is because Sony realises that games like VF5 at Sega and their entire Koei partnership(the reason why they showed of crap like Genji2 of at E3) are important for them to secure critical mass in Japan
Action Man - So the western developers feel left out
Action Man - for a company like Rockstar its very hard to accept that they are seen as lesser then Koei by Sony, its hard for them to accept that they have to play second fiddle
Major Tom - What timed exclusives did sony ever get from ubi? Or is that in reference to Assasin's Creed?
Action Man - for instance yes
Action Man - unless Sony pays up to ubisoft
Action Man - in hopes of securing and reaching critical mass fast in japan
Major Tom - right
Action Man - ubisoft will decide that they can make more money by releasing the game simultaneously on ps3, 360 and pc
Action Man - they dont want to be killed again by nintendo
Action Man - like the DS is killing PSP
Action Man - thats a very real fear for sony for Japan
Action Man - the thing is, those western devs have more leverage in that respect
Action Man - because they KNOW it will sell on x360
Action Man - unlike vf5, Koei games etc.
Action Man - So the Western devs need Sony to make it worthwhile for them to stick exclusive, something Sony isn't willing or capable of doing at this point.
Action Man - Losing the number 1 spot in japan would mean they lose the number 1 spot worldwide
Action Man - japanese centered developers would make Wii games instead of PS3 games and International oriented developers(like koei and Sega) would switch to multiformat and timed exclusive publishing
Action Man - all things that would kill Sony's long term chances worldwide

Major Tom - now that dq, ff13 **bleep**, you have that on good authority?
Major Tom - because that is HUGE
Action Man - yah
Major Tom - wow
Action Man - they are threatening
Action Man - doesnt mean it will happen
Action Man - sony will most likely cave in for such a title
Action Man - and give em a big moneybag anyway
Action Man - we shall see


[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:07 编辑 ]


E3 2006「SCEAプレスカンファレンス」:
 ソニー・コンピュータエンタテインメント(以下、SCE)は現地時間の5月8日、北米ロサンゼルスで行われたプレスイベントにおいて、SCEの次世代家庭用ゲーム機「プレイステーション 3」(以下、PS3)を日本において11月11日に発売。20GB搭載のPS3の価格を税込みで62790円、60GB搭載モデルをオープンプライスにて販売すると発表した。

 このイベントでは、すでにお伝えしたとおり昨年のE3 2005で発表されていたPS3のコントローラがコンセプトモデルであり、製品版は従来の「Dual Shock 2」とほぼ同型のものとなることが明かされた。ただし、コントローラ部分には、Roll(左右傾き)、Pitch(前後傾き)、Yaw(左右振り)の3軸に加え、加速度をリアルタイムで検知可能で、高精度・高速応答の6軸検出システムを内蔵している点と、無線ワイヤレス時の接続はBluetoothで行われるが、USB端子へと接続すればシームレスに有線ケーブル(有線接続中はコントローラ内のバッテリーが充電される)へと切り替えられる点が大きな変更とのこと。
 また、イベントではPS3のソフトラインアップも発表され、本日スクウェア・エニックスのプレスイベントにて発表された「ファイナルファンタジーXIII」、「FINAL FANTASY ヴェルサス XIII」などの映像出展タイトルのほか、現地時間の5月10日~12日の期間中開催されるE3 2006においてプレイアブル出展される「グランツーリスモ HD」や「GENJI 2」なども公開され、さらに充実した内容だった。
  こちらはイベントで実際動かしているところを小ウィンドウで同時に見せながら作品紹介をしていた「GENJI 2」。一ノ谷のステージで、前作同様に義経と弁慶のチェンジもスムーズに行っていた
  会場横には開発機材ベースで動く試遊台が設置されており、イベント終了時から体験できるようになっていた。写真は「グランツーリスモ HD」に群がる取材陣の様子。同じく体験できた「WARHAWK」を手に取って遊んでみたが、意地悪な傾け方でもちゃんと反応してくれた

 久夛良木氏はまず、今回のイベントについてすべてを発表できたと胸を張る。イベント終了時には会場横に20台設置された開発機材ベースで動くPS3の試遊コーナーを見渡し、これと同じものが5月10日から開催されるE3 2006に設置され、実際体験できるようにしていると明かしてくれた。ちなみに試遊コーナーでは、「グランツーリスモHD」、「GENJI 2」、「singstar」、「Formula 1 06」、「Heavenly Sword」、「WARHAWK」、「SONIC THE HEDGEHOG」などが体験できた。

 これらの体験版は、昔であればいちいちディスクに焼くという作業をしなくてはならなかったが、PS3がネットワークプラットフォームのためその作業をしなくてもよくなったとのこと。今回のE3 2006期間中でも開発チームからコードが送られさえすれば、日々更新され高度が上がっていくのだという――「昨日、一昨日のグランツーリスモHDと今日のグランツーリスモHDとは違うわけです。以前であれば数日前のものを出展せざるをえなかったが、こういうことができるようになったため、E3 2006でのSCEフロアは度肝を抜くような設営にしており、ここ20年で初めての試みをしています。フロア内をネットワークでつなぎ、プレイアブルなものがたくさん遊べるようにしているわけです」
 また、気になる価格について久夛良木氏は、「安すぎたかも」とそれぞれ内包する技術や原価を考慮した発言をする。久夛良木氏はプレイステーション 2(PS2)の発売時を振り返り、「これはPS3の価格です。高いとか安いとか、“ゲーム機として”というくくりでは考えてほしくないんです。PS3というものは他にはないわけですから。例えば、高級なレストランで食事をした時の代金と、社員食堂での食事の代金を比べるのはナンセンスですよね? これは極端な例ですが、まさにそういうことなのです。そのゲーム機で何ができるか、というのが問題なのです。すばらしい体験ができるのなら、価格は問題じゃないと考えています。プレイステーション(PS)の価格を発表した時も高いと言われました。プレイステーション 2(PS2)のときもそう。しかし、いざ発売されると、どちらもそれまでのゲーム機では考えられないような売れ行きを示しました。それは、どちらもそれ以前のゲーム機では味わえない体験ができたからです。PS3でも、次世代のグラフィックや、ネットワークを介したさまざまなサービスなど、これまでには体験できなかった次世代のゲーム体験ができるようになっています。そして、PSやPS2のように、ゲームの好きの人なら間違いなく買ってくれると思っています」と、価値観をどこに見いだしてくれるかによるのだと言う。

[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:08 编辑 ]












(2006年9月8日  読売新聞)

[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:08 编辑 ]


PS3] SCE佐伯:“其实TGS中完全可以提供PS3游戏的试玩……”

   搜索: PS3
评论46条 我要评论

•原预定于2006年2月在日本召开的PLAYSTATION Conference现已决定取消,取而代之的是“更加令人惊讶的计划”正在准备中。
•今年年末的PS2游戏发售阵容将是PS2历史上最大规模的。《王国之心2》《FF VII 地狱犬之挽歌》等。

[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:09 编辑 ]


More PS3 Downgrades On The Way?
« previous post   next post »He's back. The connected PS3-party wet blanket who brought us covert info on the PlayStation 3 has dug up some dirt from a phantom insider who claims the PS3 may see even more downgraded specs. From lower clock speeds to an external power brick to who-knows-what-else, one thing we know for certain is that we sure as hell won't be getting what was promised at E3 2005.

More dirty insider talk after the jump.

Red says: got any interesting news?
Phantom Insider says: sure

Red says: then let's start it up

Phantom Insider says: Fully functional PS3 betas still do not exist

Red says: hmm

Phantom Insider says: Despite that we have seen a number of downgrades

Red says: clock speed?

Red says: remember it was going to be 3.5 ghz?

Phantom Insider says: And now we have been told that the powersource might be an external 400 watt unit after all
Phantom Insider says: instead of internal as promised

Red says: interesting

Phantom Insider says: The current designs despite having vents all over the place apparently still cant dissipate the heat to sufficient levels

Phantom Insider says: And yields on 3.2 Gigaherz CELL processors are too low

Red says: they can't produce them in mass supply still?

Phantom Insider says: so the final release might run only at 2.8 gigaherz

Red says: what have you heard about the rsx?

Red says: why would that be downgraded?

Red says: it as already somewhat weak

Phantom Insider says: RSX is finished and has been finished for quite a few months now

Red says: hmm

Phantom Insider says: we know what it can and cannot do

Red says: yea?

Phantom Insider says: I won't comment any further

Red says: hint?

Phantom Insider says: No

Red says: come on, this is anonymous

Phantom Insider says: I can't tell you more

Phantom Insider says: I do not want to lose my job

Red says: does it bode well for the ps3?

Phantom Insider says: Last time we had a lot of internal emails coming in from Sony

Red says: hmm not surprised

Red says: you were the first to blow the lid off things

Phantom Insider says: They were looking for the sources of the delay and dev problems leaks

Red says: lol

Phantom Insider says: i cannot risk it

Phantom Insider says: I am sorry

Red says: no probs

Red says: one thing

Red says: were the units at e3 2.8?

Phantom Insider says: yes

Phantom Insider says: and had 2 gigs of ram

Phantom Insider says: dev kits ya know

[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:10 编辑 ]


作者:且听枫吟 编辑:且听枫吟 2006-6-3 19:29:00
在最近一次采访中,Sony欧洲部门总裁David Reezes如是说:“我们并不关心PS3市场份额。”

“我们对PS3游戏手柄拥有信心,虽然有不少人质疑PS3手柄是否在E3前才刚刚完成,”David Reezes说道,“事实是,PS3手柄开发从2年半以前就开始进行。”




Sony首要竞争者微软的新一代游戏主机Xbox 360已经卖了超过半年,微软也同样信心十足,要在PS3今年11月发布前出货1000万台Xbox 360。

当Sony自己都不在乎市场份额,难道只有PS FANS才会在乎?

[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:10 编辑 ]


久多良木健 : PS3 是个很贵的玩具
发表于 May 31, 2006, 9:00 AM ET by Atticus Wu
归类: 游戏产品

最近总裁们总是爱语出惊人,至 「死」(咱们广大的玩家朋友XD)不休,这回 PlayStation 之父久多良木健又发言了。

为了替 PS3 的高端政策做辩解,他在接受 「电玩通周刊」(Famitsu)杂志专访时,说了以下这段话:「PlayStation 和  PlayStation2 在推出的时候,还不都比其它的游戏机来的贵,结果还不都一样热卖。」

这话似乎是在说,就算 PS3 比 Wii 贵上超过 90 美元(超过 300 美元...),结果应该还是会赢得呱呱叫。不过他还说 「如果你认为 PS3 是个玩具,是呀!那还真是个很高贵的玩具,不过,其实不只是个玩具,这是 PS3 啊!而且是唯一个 PS3 呀!我希望玩家仍够理解,并且高兴的来购买。」

这段话的意思是应该是说,如果你知道 PS3 是 PS3,而且还是唯一的 PS 他X的 Three,那想必会很高兴的买下这玩意。嗯,教父有解释到什么吗?

[ 本帖最后由 west2046 于 2006-11-3 00:11 编辑 ]




E3 2006: Xbox 360 Assassinated
Ubisoft Montreal's Prince of Persia influenced action game may come to Xbox 360.

by Douglass C. Perry

May 12, 2006 - Ubisoft Montreal revealed its next incredible project, Assassins: Creed, exclusively for PlayStation 3 at E3 this year, much to the delight of Sony console fans and to the dismay of Microsoft consoles fans.

A third-person action game in the vein of Prince of Persia, Ubisoft Montreal's newest title shows off the next generation with fantastic texture work, early but promising animations, and newly envisioned levels of Prince/Spider-Men climbing/traversing. But the game, officially, is strictly exclusive to PlayStation 3. Ubisoft officially would not comment on a possible Xbox 360 version.

According to sources close to the company, however, there are potential plans for an Xbox 360 version at Assassins: Creed sometime in 2007. Additionally, Microsoft sources who asked not to be mentioned by name, claimed the demo, hidden behind closed doors at E3, was running on an Xbox 360 using a third-party USB PlayStation controller. The game system was hidden in a stand covered by a sheet. Again, Ubisoft officials would not comment.


May 10, 2006 - Sony Computer Entertainment is all about HD with PS3 -- it's HD or die. Not a single one of its games on the E3 show floor was running in standard definition (not too much a feather in their cap -- if there's an Xbox 360 game on the floor without HD, we've got a standing offer for them for a $5 dollar bill and a slap in the face for wasting our time.) However, last year, SCE essentially came out and said that HD was all about 1080p, and that any system without such a res was essentially not quite next-gen.


So, where are we with HD a year later? Well, we're in the 1080p era now, but we're not seeing that as a full-on standard by any means. Most of the games on the show floor (both at Sony's booth and at other booths displaying PS3 games) were running at 720p in the current build, although higher resolutions are being targeted for the final game. Here's a rundown of what we have been able to confirm regarding resolutions for PS3 titles:

“我们已经进入了1080p时代~~~” 这句话写的哈讽刺……

Gran Turismo HD -- Full 1080p

WarDevil -- 1080p

Madden 07 -- 1080i

Mobile Suit Gundam -- 1080i on show floor

Resistance: Fall of Man -- 720p, aiming for 1080 in either form (an Insomniac designer says that the game can run at 1080 in the current build, but the team is weighing the trade-off in system power consumption at that res ... basically, they can do it, and now it's all up to what's best for the game.)
现在Resistance就可以运行在1080(i or p没有说)的分辨率下,不过开发小组权衡了分辨率提升对整个系统的消耗还是选择了720p作为现在对于这个游戏最优的分辨率

MotorStorm -- 720p on show floor, will stay at 720p but will get to (and hopefully be locked at) 60fps

Warhawk -- 720p on show floor

Heavenly Sword -- 720p on show floor

Eye of Judgment -- 720p

My SingStar -- *TBA

Genji 2 -- 720p

F1 '06 -- 720p, planning for full 60FPS but not necessarily any resolution bump-up

Virtua Tennis 3 -- 720p, planning for 1080i

Sonic the Hedgehog -- 720p

Heavy Rain -- *TBA (expected to be 1080p or 1080i, due to placement at booth -- the game was placed on monitor with a "1080" plaque, but this refers to the Sony monitor, and several PS3 games not at 1080i or 1080p were on these screens, possibly with TV-generated upscaling)
期望值是1080i或者p,根据展厅,这个游戏的展台上面标注了1080字样,但是一些在这些显示器上展出的ps3游戏并不是1080i或者1080p,所以笔者猜测是TV-generated upscaling

Indiana Jones -- *TBA

Full Auto 2: Battlelines -- 720p at show, the team is weighing options past that but with the defining factor being a 60FPS framerate above all else

Fatal Inertia -- *TBA

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance -- *TBA

Assassin's Creed -- *TBA

Tiger Woods 07 -- *TBA (demo is only tech concept, running on PS3 but not really a PS3 "game" demo)

NBA Live 07 -- *TBA (demo is only tech concept, running on PS3 but not really a PS3 "game" demo)


The Club -- Only playable on Xbox 360 at E3

Tony Hawk's Project 8 -- Only playable on Xbox 360 at E3

Haze -- Only playable on Xbox 360 at E3

Rainbow Six: Vegas -- Only playable on Xbox 360 at E3

Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway -- Only playable on Xbox 360 and PC at E3(貌似这个前几天让cow们欢呼雀跃ps3物理超强的游戏……结果ps3没有试玩……)


http://www.pcgames.com.cn/tvgames/ 2006-05-08 10:15:37

INQ报道--有消息透露,索尼下一代游戏主机PlayStation 3即将采用的Cell处理器目前良率低得“可怕”,远无法达到正式投产所需标准。

据称,鉴于IBM和Sony在进行PS3 Cell芯片设计时采取了“过于激进”的处理器技术,超出了工厂生产线所能达到的工艺水平,因此Sony目前面对非常严重的Cell产率问题--PS3发布最后期限却日益逼近。



  作者: 日本鬼子倭寇猪  2006-5-11 23:09   回复此发言   
2 回复:SONY&PS3,在玩儿了世界所有的人的同时,也把自己玩儿死了  
http://www.pcgames.com.cn/tvgames/ 2006-04-07 11:30:18

尽管在上月日本东京举行的“PS Business Briefing 2006 March”上SCE社长久多良木健明确宣布由于BD蓝光光盘的著作保护权问题仍未协商好所以使到PS3主机延期发售,然而日前日本知名的业界分析员透露了PS3延期的真正原因并非如此!


  作者: 日本鬼子倭寇猪  2006-5-11 23:14   回复此发言   
3 回复:SONY&PS3,在玩儿了世界所有的人的同时,也把自己玩儿死了  
http://www.pcgames.com.cn/tvgames/ 2006-04-14 11:07:17

近日,国外游戏网站PlayStation 3 Portal透露,PS3可能会使用一种类似于Xbox 360使用的与游戏同时运行的操作系统。据悉,这一信息已经被多个消息来源所证实,而透露这些消息的人中有一些曾直接参与过PS3主机的早期开发工作。

PlayStation 3 Portal透露,在PS3的使用过程中,电视屏幕的右上角将始终会出现一个刀片形状的长方形标志,这个标志就是索尼计划在PS3上使用的同步运行操作系统的标志。通过这种系统,不管运行什么游戏,玩家都可以同时进行多人的在线视频或语音聊天,而且可以不必一直开启聊天的控制面板。不论PS3在运行什么游戏,玩家们都可以随时互相发送短信息或邮件。

另外,与Xbox 360一样,PS3所使用的同步运行操作系统也必须占据一定的系统资源。据悉,PS3的操作系统将会占用RSX芯片的GDDR3存储器全部256M中的32M,还要占用CELL芯片256M XDR存储器中的64M。此外,这个操作系统还要持续使用7个SPE协处理器(也叫数学协处理器,主要的功能是负责浮点运算)中的1个,而且如果有需要的话还必须调用另外1个协处理器。


  作者: 日本鬼子倭寇猪  2006-5-11 23:19   回复此发言   
4 回复:SONY&PS3,在玩儿了世界所有的人的同时,也把自己玩儿死了  
http://www.pcgames.com.cn/tvgames/ 2006-04-13 10:17:05




总结来说,PS3将在今年最晚时间发布,Sony甚至会考虑再次跳票。也许,当80款专为日本市场设计的Xbox 360游戏上市,PS3却无法迎战,微软将扭转整个市场。  
  作者: 日本鬼子倭寇猪  2006-5-11 23:22   回复此发言   
5 回复:SONY&PS3,在玩儿了世界所有的人的同时,也把自己玩儿死了  
http://www.pcgames.com.cn/tvgames/ 2006-05-11 22:51:56






http://www.pcgames.com.cn/tvgames/ 2006-05-09 14:43:38



  作者: 日本鬼子倭寇猪  2006-5-11 23:30   回复此发言   
7 回复:SONY&PS3,在玩儿了世界所有的人的同时,也把自己玩儿死了  




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