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[新闻] [1UP评分] PS3平台再现高素质游戏--抵抗2


评语,缺点:  大多数现代FPS的视觉特效,如景深,运动漠糊....全部没有,      经常拖慢. 单机自由度不足.
优点:  BOSS战紧张,小兵有趣,


That's the main disappointment, if any, behind Resistance 2. It's a clear "we're improving upon our predecessor" type of title, and it succeeds on that front. If you're really picky, you can quibble about certain aspects -- not as many cool visual effects as you'd hope for in a modern shooter (depth-of-field, motion blur, etc.) or occasional slowdown (mostly when respawning after an active firefight), to name two. But, overall, Resistance 2 is an extremely well-assembled FPS, with an improved campaign, fun competitive multiplayer, and a damn neat take on co-op. I wouldn't go as far as to say this is the definitive PS3 game, but it's certainly one of the best PS3 exclusives I've played. Plus, I gotta give props to a game that loves giant monsters as much as I do.
On a related note, the campaign occasionally dips into "learn by death" territory, affording extremely little leeway to accomplish the task at hand (detect Chameleons before they attack, make a certain series of jumps) before you're killed...and your death served as a "gotcha, you shoulda..." moment instead of a legitimate tactical error. Also, curiously, the previous game's vehicle sequences -- which served as a nice way to break up the gameplay -- are completely absent.
Because the campaign -- with its lavish production values, interesting enemies, and terrific boss fights -- is so much better than the one in Resistance, its annoyances become more prominent. The most aggravating: Ninety percent of the time, the enemies only target you specifically. That's fine if you're the only guy around...but when you're with a squad of fellow badasses, it's a bit illusion-shattering. Two of your buddies are pelting a Titan with rockets and gunfire, and somehow the Titan makes a beeline to you -- even if you're not doing anything. The Chameleon -- a Chimera straight out of Predator -- only decloaks to attack you, brushing by two redshirt A.I. soldiers and swiping you with a one-hit-kill swing. Grims come rushing out of the woodwork -- and, hey look, they all swarm right toward you! It's damn annoying.

[ 本帖最后由 大家好我是小叮当 于 2008-11-1 02:50 编辑 ]


原帖由 夏路娃 于 2008-11-1 02:40 发表



原帖由 ddaaii 于 2008-11-1 09:14 发表


