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IGN Nintendo Voice Chat

Rabbids Go Home

- Not a Rayman game
- All about the Rabbids
- No mini-games in the title
- Platformer adventure
- Developed by Beyond Good & Evil team
- New engine
- Matt heard a rumor that development were working on this first, then moving on to BG&E2
- More information on the game in the next month or so


The Conduit

- SEGA holding event in San Francisco showing multiplayer from The Conduit tomorrow
- Impressions, screens, videos should be going up

明天有宣传会,不过,期待多人视频释放。这游戏16人 Wi-Fi还能支持麦克风,看来到时候也许得入手。

Dead Space: Extraction

- Craig was able to watch it
- He was pretty impressed
- As a Wii game it’s visually impressive
- Rail-shooter instead of a full-fledged third-person exploring kind of game
- Visually amazing, environments are really cool, tense situations really cool
- Put a lot of effort into storyline
- Feel like you’re an embedded soldier
- Camera bounces, feel natural
- Second player can shoot with you (not an actual secondary character)
- Craig really impressed
- Game itself looks pretty amazing on Wii
- Sound will be a key point in the game


