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[新闻] 索尼出钱抹黑马银?!有图片,有真相





原帖由 RestlessDream 于 2007-11-15 14:55 发表


Sony Sponsored Mario Galaxy Review: “The Worse Two-Player Experience”

Variety.com writer Ben Fritz puts his name on the Nintendo fan blackbook after writing an insanely bias Super Mario Galaxy review attacking not only Super Mario Galaxy, but also Nintendo’s Wii graphic performance and the use of the Wii-mote.

A desperate move by Sony to pay a writer to bad mouth what could possibly be “The Best Game of the Year” and most likely “The Best Game for the Nintendo Wii Console” and believe me I’m not a fanboy at all, in fact own a PS3.

As you read the review you will notice the majority of the effort is concentrated on picking apart the game’s limited two player mode, camara control, storyline and Nintendo’s Wii graphic shortcomings, this at a time when Super Mario Galaxy has received such a high amount of praise across the globe, even getting an unprecedented 11 out of 10 rating! This is simply neglecting to do justice where justice is deserved.

Ben Fritz not only burns himself writing a sponsored by Sony Super Mario Galaxy review, but he goes one step further by deleting several comments left on his review by angry readers who called his review biased, it’s amazing how this “reviewer” found Super Mario Galaxy “The Worse Experience” while at the same time declaring Ratchet and Clank for the PS3 “vastly superior” when it’s close to impossible not to find Super Mario Galaxy objectively groundbreaking and superior to current games in its category.

I just can’t seem to be able to take any of Ben’s points for a credible and honest opinion or criticism, or find in him any journalistic integrity.

I have screen saved a copy of the review, they might decide to take it offline, which I hope they do, check out the “Sponsored by Sony” logo on the right top section, I’m pretty sure that might disappear soon.

For Mr. Ben Fritz,
Sir, you are going at it alone, everyone else seems to love the game, and I bet you haven’t even played it for more than a couple of hours.

