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麻烦各位仔细看看。图片最后一张是我疏忽了,不过这个DS的图片和200人排队也没有太大出入,如果是20人排队我放一个人很多的排队图是我的错,但是图片没有和文字人数差距很大。IGN checked in at the Shibuya Tsutaya outlet at 10:30 and found a line of at least 200 people waiting to pre-order a unit.

另外下面这一段是IGN转Famitsu的,而且也没有说明是哪些商店把人们赶走。(the site wouldn't name names) 也就是说IGN很清楚地说明:1,目前没人排队。2,久多首发要出席的活动地点没人排队。3,久多首发要出席的活动地点采取排队方式。4,有商店赶人,但是没有说明是哪家商店。不能否定久多首发要出席的活动地点在赶人。

目前只是把DS排队图说成Wii排队图,但是200人的数字没错。另外商店赶人没有名字。而且接待员已经告诉IGN记者可以排队!!!Reps at the Yurakucho Bic told us that we're allowed to line up whenever the first people begin lining up.


PS3将于11月11日在日本发售,但是直到现在没有人为购买PS3而排队。(No matter where we looked, no one was lining up for the 11/11 launch.    没有错误吧?
)久多预计在星期六早上7点在有乐町的Bic Camer参加首发活动,然后在早上8点30分赶往新宿的Yodobashi Camera。这两处均采取先到先得的排队购买方式。Bic Camer的接待人员告诉IGN的记者可以排在第一位。这说明目前还没日本玩家为购买PS3而排队。
(Some stores are going with traditional line-up systems. Asking around (in Japanese no less!), IGN was able to learn that the Bic Camera in Yurakucho and the Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku will start selling the PS3 at, respectively, 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM on Saturday morning on a first come, first serve basis.

Why the difference in opening times? The store reps wouldn't confirm this, but Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi will apparently be making appearances at both locations. They're separated by about 30 minutes or so by train, so Kutaragi should have just enough time to hand off the first (also likely the last -- snap!) PS3 at one location before moving on to the other.

Reps at the Yurakucho Bic told us that we're allowed to line up whenever the first people begin lining up. We're not sure if this means that we're not allowed to be the first ones in line. If the rep was worried about Kutaragi not being able to greet us in English, there shouldn't be much of a problem, as the Sony chief speaks English good.)


(So the number of people waiting in line for a videogame system in Tokyo is... zero, right? Nope! There were actually lots of people waiting in line today as we made the rounds around the city. Only they weren't waiting for a PlayStation 3.


Famitsu's online publication reports that some shops (the site wouldn't name names) were turning people away from lining up too early. Some punks apparently tried to line up on Wednesday night at one shop. The store refused them, citing worries about disturbances to the neighbors, and plans on doing the same to people who attempt to line up Thursday night. Friday night (the night IGN intends to camp out), however, is a whole different story.


[ 本帖最后由 muranus 于 2006-11-10 10:40 编辑 ]



原帖由 adolzero 于 2006-11-9 21:16 发表
There's a reason. Many major retailers, including the Bics and the Yodobashis, are resorting to a lottery system for the PS3. A Bic Camera local to IGN Japan's headquarters in Shibuya's love hote ...

Some stores are going with traditional line-up systems. Asking around (in Japanese no less!), IGN was able to learn that the Bic Camera in Yurakucho and the Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku will start selling the PS3 at, respectively, 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM on Saturday morning on a first come, first serve basis.

Why the difference in opening times? The store reps wouldn't confirm this, but Sony Computer Entertainment boss Ken Kutaragi will apparently be making appearances at both locations. They're separated by about 30 minutes or so by train, so Kutaragi should have just enough time to hand off the first (also likely the last -- snap!) PS3 at one location before moving on to the other.

Reps at the Yurakucho Bic told us that we're allowed to line up whenever the first people begin lining up. We're not sure if this means that we're not allowed to be the first ones in line. If the rep was worried about Kutaragi not being able to greet us in English, there shouldn't be much of a problem, as the Sony chief speaks English good.

