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[新闻] 任天堂也要玩高清了

Nintendo has hired employees from Naughty Dog, Visceral, Vigil, Insomniac... and apparently Crytek

http://www.revogamers.net/notici ... yengine-3-7948.html

"In its transition to HD, Nintendo is getting fatter templates studies with seasoned and experienced people in these types of developments. Recently, Retro Studios expanded its staff with some employees of Vigil Games, Naugthy Dog, Electronic Arts and Red Fly among others. For its part, Nintendo has signed Mark Atkinson, former chief technology officer of Crytek, specializes in CryEngine 3. Atkinson's resume is enviable. Following his time at Crytek, he worked as Consultant Software Engineer for Ignition London and later as a Specialist Graphics Engine Optimization for Lionhead Studios. Since last September, Atkinson works for Nintendo Consultant Software Engineer. One of his most important achievements in the sector has been the adaptation of CryEngine 3 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. This graphics engine developed based on PC has been a laborious process until its arrival at consoles with Crysis 2. It is not known where Atkinson is working now, although there may be advised to Nintendo in the creation of new hardware, as Team Ninja."



