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[新闻] 据悉:微软下周二将在日本举办RPG发布会

IGN 说:
Microsoft is holding an event in Japan next week called the Xbox 360 RPG Premiere 2008. It's happening June 10 (Tuesday) with the "RPG Title Announcement Media Event" going from 4:00-5:15. That's Japanese time, which is 16 hours ahead (I think) of California, so that should put the timing at about midnight on Monday evening here.

I'm told the announcements are intended for the Japanese audience, though I'd be very surprised if any of those games didn't make it to the States eventually. Along with a new announcement or two, we'll probably get an update on some RPGs we already know are on the way. Perhaps we'll even find out what Mistwalker is working on next. Anoop, IGN's Japanese correspondent, is planning on attending the event so we should find out what's going on as soon as he knows.

表期望太高,新作好象是主要针对日本市场的. 小胡子的CRY ON, 黄昏传说.... 最多也就是个星海4了吧.

