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[新闻] 看看老外对PSP游戏滞销的的讨论



You got it. Thousands can play one sale.

Piracy is really hurting the DS and the PSP, the only difference is the market they are aiming towards.

Kids are less likely to pirate compared to teenagers and adults.

Besides piracy, I also think software pricing is an issue. $30 should be the maximum. Any more than that and they're competing with my 360/PS3/PS2 spending money. In that contest, the PSP software can't win.

Heres few observations about PSP piracy in Japan that I wrote in another thread:
Until I started looking into it, I never knew the problem was this big. I saw 4 high school boys playing PSP in the park by my house and started talking to them. Of the 4 kids there, only one of them had a legal game with him. The others were all playing pirated software. I asked where they got the copied games and they told me a few sites. I asked where they found out about how to get free games and they told me they read it in a book.

The local bookstores in my town all have multiple books on PSP (and DS) “hacking” (word being used loosely). These books have step-by-step guides and provide web links. They are not photocopied manifestos being sold at shady game stores. They are brightly colored, high production books and magazines and you can find them at ANY bookshop. Even in my tiny city I was able to find them very easily. One PC magazine had a full page ad on the back cover for the R4. It didn’t say what it did or even use the word DS in the ad, just a picture of the card itself. In other words, their target consumer already knows what it is and what it does.

Next I went to talk to some shop owners. They say it very common for someone to buy a PSP without buying a game for it at the same time. However it is very rare for someone to buy a DS, PS2, Wii, 360 etc. without a game. Some stores, when they see a customer buying a system without games, will ask if they want to buy a Memory Stick. There is a fairy good profit on memory sticks.

Now it should be noted that this is only information that I have gathered from a few people at a few game stores. I cannot say if this is a nationwide trend or if it is just my town. What I do know is there is a thriving business for piracy and I can’t imagine that I am the only one noticing.


